The purpose of this essay is to shine light on Ken Wilber’s “widespread global disaster” of aperspectival madness”-no vision, completely lost, without compass and without worldview. Drawing on Ken Wilber’s work, this offering will briefly unpack current reality, share a vision and make concluding comments.
Home grown terrorists, divisiveness, fascists, fake news, alternative facts, lies, racism, white supremacists, partial truths, chaos, war, the threat of war, bullying, violence, hate crimes, dominant hierarchies, blaming, post truth world, cheating, stealing and tolerance for those who lie, cheat and steal, these are words drawn from media that give identity to fundamentalists, scientists and modernists. An analytical glance establishes the least common denominator to be culture wars characterized by negative judgments and aperspectival madness. Ken Wilber comments, “We are in an orgy seeking egoic rights with no responsibilities.”
Global cultures are on the leading edge of evolution and are unfolding world-wide consciousness, ethics and wholeness. Societies are waking-up, cleaning-up, growing-up, showing-up, transcending and including. Collective awareness, understanding and commitment include the following:
- Recognition that unity has diversity and that different perspectives deserve to be respected, honored and genuinely interpreted with dialogue.
- Healing of narcissism, nihilism, negative judgment, and aperspectival madness.
- Creation of growth hierarchies that have leaders with leadership that is a trust based, influence relationship between the respective leader and his-her Self, and among leaders and followers who intend ethical changes that mirror common purpose.
- Deliberate, developmental cultures that have exemplary values and principles and that model the way as persons, in relationships and when helping others.
- Emergent happiness because of peace-of-mind coupled with purpose and connections that rest on a foundation of compassion, loving-kindness, mutual tolerance and love.
- Use of the worldwide web to grow and nurture integral perspective and development.
- Education processes that nurture awareness, contemplation, stages of development, openness and dialogue, and skillful means of including and transcending.
- Conscious conservation of the environment.
- Citizens are committed to 100% responsibility: life happens because of us and not to us.
It has been an emotional roller-coaster studying, perking and sitting with Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory. Sadness emerges while rolling with the chaos, the violence, the blaming, the bullying, the divisiveness, embarrassment of the country and possible self- dissolution; and excitement and inspiration bubble while rolling with optimism and hope for progressive evolution, education, leadership, development and sparkling global cultures. Cultures can genuinely evolve worldcentric views and wholeness and become quality in all they are and all they do. This evolution emerges as each of us takes one step at a time to be present, tidy-up, blossom and simply notice: just Human Being 101. Some resources:
- The Life We Are Given: A Long-Term Program for Realizing the Potential of Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul (Murphy & Leonard, 2005, Penguin, New York)
- Integral Life Practice: A 21st Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening (Wilber, Patten, Leonard & Morelli, 2009, Integral Books, Boston)
- Integral Meditation: Mindfulness as a Way to Grow Up, Wake Up, and Show Up in Your Life (Wilber, 2016, Penguin, New York)
- A Brief History of Everything (Wilber, 2001, Penguin Random House, New York)
- Consciousness Is All: Now Life Is Completely New (Dzuiban, 2017, Amazon Whispernet)
- Simply Notice: Clear Awareness Is the Key to Happiness, Love and Freedom (Dzuiban, 2013, Amazon Whispernet)
- In the Zone: Transcendent Experience in Sports (Murphy & White, 2011, KindleUnlimited)
- The Phenomenon of Man (Teilhard de Chardin, 2015, Amazon Whispernet)
- The Life Divine (Aurobindo, Amazon Whispernet)
- Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion (Wilber, 2007, Penguin Random House, New York)
- Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening (Cohen & Chopra, 2011, Amazon Whispernet)
- Evolutionaires: Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Potential of Science’s Greatest Idea (Phipps, 2012, Amazon Whispernet)
- Leadership for the Twenty-First Century (Rost, 1993, Amazon Whispernet)
- Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest (Block & Piersanti, 2013, Amazon Whispernet)
- Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen (Kouzes & Posner, 2017, Amazon Whispernet)