Henry Kissinger, Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy (July 5, 2022), contends,

The Vietnam War initiated an internal division of American society that has torn it to this day. The conflict introduced a style of public debate increasingly conducted less over substance than over political motives and identities. Anger has replaced dialogue as a way to carry out disputes, and disagreement has become a clash of cultures. In the process, Americans have stood in danger of forgetting that societies become great not by factional triumphs or the destruction of domestic adversaries, not by victories over each other, but by common purpose and reconciliation. (162)

How can America evolve to greatness by “common purpose and reconciliation”? A good start is to select political leaders who are aware, understand, and are committed to leadership, common good, virtue, compassion, caring about others, helping others, and putting quality in all they are and all they do.

LEADERSHIP is an attribute of an individual’s brand; and is an earned, trust based, influence relationship between the respective leader, other leaders, and followers who intend ethical and moral change that mirror common purpose. Some key qualities of leaders are as follows:

  • INTEGRAL ETHICS: Integral connotes comprehensive, whole, balanced, and “best of the best;” and the concept of ethics is sincere private commitment to doing what it takes to grow into a life of full integrity: “walk the talk” in every area of life and “model the way” as individuals, in relationships, institutionally, socially, culturally, and when skillfully helping and caring about others.
  • MORALS: Judgments made by an individual and concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness and badness of human character.
  • VIRTUES: Behavior showing high moral standards. Examples: gratitude, compassion, hope, trust, integrity, courage, honesty, and prudence.
  • VALUES: Connote the degree of importance of action. Examples: direct; open; caring; moral; health, wellness, and wellbeing; financial viability; leadership; and peace-of-mind.
  • GUIDING PRINCIPLES: Core values that are articulated. Examples: Do not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do. Objective, not self-serving, and acts in the best interests of the people and organization being served. Committed to the concept of 100% responsibility: life happens because of me and not to me. Does not blame others, learns from one’s own experiences in an intentional and self-directed manner and applies that learning to new challenges. Sets a good example for physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, spiritual awakening, ethical behavior, and integration of hidden, denied, and repressed reflections manifested in the world.
  • PURPOSE: Reason for existence. Examples: Exemplary student of life. In the service of global health, wellness, and wellbeing. To embody, celebrate, and study the ever-greater depth of awareness, humanity, and life. To actively participate in the evolution of consciousness and culture.
  • FOLLOWERSHIP: The actions of someone in a subordinate role. The intentional practice on the part of the subordinate to enhance the synergistic interchange between the follower and the leader, team play.
  • INTEGRAL VISION: Comprehensive, compelling picture of a desired future state. Leaders create and communicate a world centric vision, strategies, and direction for the organization and persons led. Articulate a worldview for the Nation and the globe and possesses an integral understanding that allows the leader to be aware and understand other persons thus opening greater mutual understanding and openness to innovative, harmonious resolution; and more intelligent and appropriate responses to conflicts faced.
  • MISSION DRIVEN: Peace-of-mind with purpose and connections built on a foundation of common good and compassion. Has a bias for action, for trying new things, and for getting things done. Aggressively pursues objectives and sets high standards for self and others. Takes calculated risks and makes personal sacrifices to get things done.
  • EXECUTIVE MATURITY: Acts appropriately in business, social, and political situations. Displays control in complex, ambiguous, or stressful situations. Identifies with persons, shares their values and beliefs, and is comfortable with them. Works toward mutually carved-out, worldview goals.
  • HUMAN NEEDS SATISFACTION: Is “in-tune” with mental and emotional needs of others, cares about people, and puts action plans in-place to create an environment to improve the quality of life and personal productivity that is beneficial for persons. Links recognition to accomplishment and shows appreciation and expresses pride in the team’s accomplishments.
  • INTEGRAL THEORY and PRACTICE: Student of integral theory and integral life practice—physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening—that includes a pluralistic and multicultural composite map of the human territory and ways to include the important dimensions of being to enable growth, awakening, and development to fullest capacities. Integral theory does not dictate how to practice or how to live. It offers new perspectives on practice and life, new possibilities, and new horizons; and it opens minds, thus hearts, to a more inclusive and compassionate embrace of the Cosmos and all its inhabitants. Leaders who push the edges of their discipline do so by taking perspectives with more depth and more span than most others.
  • INTEGRAL COMMUNICATIONS, TECHNOLOGY and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MASTER: Integral communications translates the way an individual speaks to others’ perspectives while still being an authentic self. Simply keeps persons informed and creates communication forums and diverse coalitions to give and receive information and ethically manage perceptions. The spectrum of communication expertise: intrapersonal, interpersonal, person-to-persons, mass media, social media, and associated technologies that optimize communication needs and strategies.

Artificial Intelligence: The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence-visual perception, speech recognition, decision making and translation between languages.

  • QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS and INFLUENCE: Develops, uses, and sustains strong, cooperative relationships with persons. Uses effective listening and interpersonal skills to achieve mutual trust and respect. Accomplishes tasks and objectives by resolving conflicts and influencing the actions of others. Is seen as a change agent; and makes a difference when involved.
  • STAFFING and STAFF DEVELOPMENT: Attracts and selects people with innate talents and learned skills. Assesses the short and long-term needs of the institution and develops plans to improve the overall structure and talent and skills strength of the institution.
  • TEAM LEADERSHIP: Achieves results by motivating and inspiring a unified, winning team. Builds commitment to common goals by communicating a sense of mission and by energizing the team. Creates an environment where differences are valued, where systems work equally well for all, and wherein persons can retain uniqueness and contribute at their full potential.
  • BUSINESS and FINANCIAL SAVY: Has a worldview perspective and is aware and understands the implications of changes in the globe. Has “street smarts,” sizes-up situations quickly, is practical, and knows the right things to do and when to do them. Plans, communicates, monitors, controls, establishes risks, solves problems, and makes sound decisions concerning economic and financial performance.
  • HANDLING COMPLEXITY: Analyzes and solves complex problems. Deals effectively with large amounts of data, changing conditions, incomplete data, or uncertainty. Understands how seemingly unrelated issues interact and affect one another. Gets to the essence of complex issues quickly, generates a variety of alternative courses of action, and makes effective decisions.
  • IDEA LEADERSHIP: Open to input, change, and new ideas. Implements breakthrough and innovative ideas, programs, and processes that make a genuine difference.
  • INTEGRAL POLITICS: Is aware and understands the inadequacies of political parties because of limited and partial views that do not address the complex issues facing the world today.

Individuals matter, leaders matter and leadership matters. If democracy is to prevail, we must select good leaders and hold them accountable for high quality leadership!! The evolution imperative of wholeness and inspired, growing awareness of the human condition, coupled with helping others, can change the daily headlines from an underlying sense of fear, chaos, and domination to love and freedom. Leaders can be grown who create a vibrant civil society where people continue to be free, to live as they choose, to speak their minds, to organize peacefully, and to have a say in how they are governed. It is time to evolve and move forward from the chaos of hyperpolarization being created by conflicting ideologies of traditionalists, modernists, and post modernists that is being pontificated by politicians, respective tribes, and circus ringleaders. Vote for sane leadership and leaders who are aware, understand, and are committed to common purpose and reconciliation.


Having just finished reading Dr. Daniel G. Amen’s The End of Mental Illness: How Neuroscience is Transforming Psychiatry and Helping Prevent or Reverse Mood and Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, Addictions, PTSD, Psychosis, Personality Disorders, and More (2020, Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale Momentum), wandering thoughts have returned to a 21-year career at Coors and the health, wellness, and wellbeing leadership influence of Bill Coors. The spirit of his genius came alive in the “Our Values” statement of the Adolph Coors Company: “These values can only be fulfilled by quality people dedicated to quality relationships within our company. We foster personal and professional growth and development…and encourage wellness in body, mind and spirit for all employees.” The purpose of this BLOG is to lobby for, campaign for, suggest, encourage that “integral health, wellness and wellbeing” be at the top of all educational topic lists for schools, universities, colleges, prisons, churches, recovery programs, and workplaces. The vision is for integral health, wellness, and wellbeing to permeate every nook and cranny of our culture. Consciousness and culture are evolving, and the complexities of life and living are moving from a state of non-sickness to a state of wellbeing. We are simply becoming better educated, we are more aware, and activities and lifestyle changes can move the culture to the language that we are, bursting with integral health, wellness, and wellbeing.

The responsibility for integral health, wellness and wellbeing is clear: the individual is 100% responsible for lifestyle and habits, wellbeing happens because of me, not to me, in four spheres—psychological, biological, social, and spiritual. And life in each of the four spheres can get exceptionally tough in today’s world: awesome, frightening, threatening, exciting, chaotic, mind-boggling, futuristic, unsettling, stress-filled, possibility, opportunity, divisive, hateful, racist, conflicted, evolving, and triumphantly challenging. You get the idea! Let us start this “best part of our journey” with some definitions.

Integral: integral connotes comprehensive, balanced, inclusive, a sense of wholeness or completeness. When discussing brain health, Dr. Amen uses four spheres, psychological, biological, social, and spiritual. Ken Wilber, when discussing integral theory, uses four quadrants, individual interior, individual exterior, collective interior, and collective exterior (2011, A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science, and Spirituality. Boston, MA: Shambhala). A nice visualization is to create a helicopter view of a topic being studied.

Health: health suggests scientific, objective, and no discernable illness or injury. The physician has treated the symptoms of sickness, illness, injury, or disease to nurse the individual to a state of no discernable illness, or wellness.

Wellness: wellness is the point where the individual is physically, mentally, and emotionally capable of maintaining his-her highest quality of life through self-responsibility and self-management. The physician is a partner in resolving illness to the neutral point and beyond to a high level of wellness. Wellness is scientific and objective and suggests high quality programs and lifestyle and good habits.

Wellbeing: wellbeing suggests the philosophical state of a being that has reached a high level of wellness—healthy, happy, subjective, compassionate, high quality of life with positive attitude that is achieved through the language one has with the Self. The domain of life’s possibilities is open!

Where do we go from here? With clarity of vision, a next step is to make a clear, honest assessment of our current reality followed by creating the means to create positive tension between where we are and where the culture needs to be-we need gap closers that will close the gap between where the culture is and where the vision outlines a desired future state. This is a huge, long-term task for individuals and collectives: social organizations, corporate entities, government institutions, religious organizations, social media, news entities, prisons, academic institutions, small businesses, et al. A guarantee: the measurable results will look great—participation will grow, treadmill testing will increase, brain scans will increase, cardiac rehabilitation programs will grow, and businesses and institutions will save money. And the immeasurable results will snowball—folks will be healthier, happier, longer-living, more productive, self-responsible, and self-managed. You will not need calculators to witness cost savings advantages.


Let us dream big and be witness to integral health, wellness, and wellbeing in every corner of this evolving consciousness and culture! This can happen with the planting of seeds in every nook and cranny: the sown seeds will appear as quality, compassion, common good, and virtue in everything each of us are and in everything each of us do. Why dream at all if the dream is not huge! With passionate intent; 100% responsibility; mindfulness, awareness, and self-restraint; and process perspective, integral health, wellness, and wellbeing can be present in all we are and all we do. Philosophically, a commitment to model the way of integral health, wellness, and wellbeing, and encourage habits, programs and lifestyles that affect integral health, wellness, and wellbeing to facilitate behavioral change to improve general health just make sense for individuals and collectives. A special thanks to Bill Coors for the inspiration to be committed to integral health, wellness, and wellbeing!


Reflecting on the Mar-a-Lago Club top secret/SCI, top secret, secret, and confidential documents recovery; January 6 Committee hearings; two impeachments; the Mueller Report; Congress; SCOTUS; the Fascist leanings of the GOP; domestic terrorism with a home-grown terrorist leader; a couple of fine reads—The Betrayal (Ira Shapiro) and Fascism: A Warning (Madeleine Albright)—and recent shootings in New York, Texas, and Oklahoma is cause for serious alarm! Coupled with escalating political hyperpolarization caused by the conflicting ideologies of traditionalists, modernists, and post-modernists, a strong message is that American democracy is in danger!! Witness the absence of civil discourse; domestic terrorism and targeted violence by extremist groups orchestrated by a former U.S. President; possession of assault-type weapons and high-capacity magazines by a growing number of citizens; continued fanning of the flames about the lack of election integrity; widespread proliferation of misinformation and conspiracy theories; a Senate in need of new rules and new leadership; and public trust of the press and integrity of the First Amendment has eroded.

Folks, we have a great deal to heal and get done in the battle for the roots of the Nation. Our fellow citizens are not our enemies; and a “Red States” vs “Blue States” civil war, facilitated by a former President and SCOTUS, is not acceptable. Let us be open to the infinite potential, opportunities, and possibilities for our great country, move forward, and evolve. We are all Americans, and we each have a daily choice to transcend and include others. A “draft” worldview of our “mighty task” might look something like this:


Quality, compassion, common good, and virtue in all we are and all we do.


  • Evolve with solid core virtues, values, and a philosophy of transcend and include others.
  • Limited government for citizens. The Supreme Court, the Senate, the House, and the Office of the President have solid leaders and followers who have moral compasses, and are objective, not self-serving, and make decisions that are in the best interests of America.
  • Voting system integrity and elections are free and fair.
  • Fiscal responsibility; economic stability and equity; and long-term financial security.
  • Public safety for all Americans, respect for law and order, no one is above the law, and all citizens are held accountable. Domestic terrorism and targeted violence prevention measures include coordination and cooperation of federal, state, and community authorities.
  • Universal background checks, license to carry, red flag law, safe storage law, and weapons of war are kept on the battlefield. It is illegal for a citizen to purchase, own, or possess assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Federal, state, and local journalism infrastructures are strong and public trust of the press and integrity of the First Amendment is strong.
  • Open dialogue and free exchange of ideas is fostered.
  • Education processes are the best of the best.
  • Pandemic preparedness and top ten healthcare system with integral health, wellness, and wellbeing at the core.
  • Programs, processes, and coalitions to dismantle systemic racism.
  • Controlled business ethical and moral issues.
  • Avoid war with strong military and space forces, global allies and networks, and dialogue.
  • Professional State Department and alliances coupled with reasoned foreign policy.
  • Helping others and caring about others: churches, individuals, groups, institutions, and the government.
  • Justice for all; and judges are objective, uphold the Constitution, and have core virtues, historic values, and guiding principles, and satisfy evolving cultural needs.
  • Marriage and children: citizen’s choices and model culture’s evolution.
  • Respect for science.
  • Environmental awareness, control, and self-restraint.
  • Strength in diversity and humane immigration laws and regulations. Borders are sanely managed.
  • Respect for democracy and decentralized culture with empowered citizens.

It is time to evolve and move forward from the chaos of hyperpolarization being created by conflicting ideologies of traditionalists, modernists, and post modernists that is being pontificated by politicians and respective tribes. A good cultural worldview for America can facilitate discussion and transcendence. We need good, solid leaders who can turn vision into reality and create strategic objectives and strategies that defend American democracy and quiet domestic, home grown and home led, terrorism.


Henry Kissinger, Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy (July 5, 2022), contends,

The Vietnam War initiated an internal division of American society that has torn it to this day. The conflict introduced a style of public debate increasingly conducted less over substance than over political motives and identities. Anger has replaced dialogue as a way to carry out disputes, and disagreement has become a clash of cultures. In the process, Americans have stood in danger of forgetting that societies become great not by factional triumphs or the destruction of domestic adversaries, not by victories over each other, but by common purpose and reconciliation. (162)

How can America evolve to greatness by “common purpose and reconciliation”? A good start is to select political leaders who are aware, understand, and are committed to leadership, common good, virtue, compassion, caring about others, helping others, and putting quality in all they are and all they do.

LEADERSHIP is an attribute of an individual’s brand; and is an earned, trust based, influence relationship between the respective leader, other leaders, and followers who intend ethical and moral change that mirror common purpose. Some key qualities of leaders are as follows:

  • INTEGRAL ETHICS: Integral connotes comprehensive, whole, balanced, and “best of the best;” and the concept of ethics is sincere private commitment to doing what it takes to grow into a life of full integrity: “walk the talk” in every area of life and “model the way” as individuals, in relationships, institutionally, socially, culturally, and when skillfully helping and caring about others.
  • MORALS: Judgments made by an individual and concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness and badness of human character.
  • VIRTUES: Behavior showing high moral standards. Examples: gratitude, compassion, hope, trust, integrity, courage, honesty, and prudence.
  • VALUES: Connote the degree of importance of action. Examples: direct; open; caring; moral; health, wellness, and wellbeing; financial viability; leadership; and peace-of-mind.
  • GUIDING PRINCIPLES: Core values that are articulated. Examples: Do not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do. Objective, not self-serving, and acts in the best interests of the people and organization being served. Committed to the concept of 100% responsibility: life happens because of me and not to me. Does not blame others, learns from one’s own experiences in an intentional and self-directed manner and applies that learning to new challenges. Sets a good example for physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, spiritual awakening, ethical behavior, and integration of hidden, denied, and repressed reflections manifested in the world.
  • PURPOSE: Reason for existence. Examples: Exemplary student of life. In the service of global health, wellness, and wellbeing. To embody, celebrate, and study the ever-greater depth of awareness, humanity, and life. To actively participate in the evolution of consciousness and culture.
  • FOLLOWERSHIP: The actions of someone in a subordinate role. The intentional practice on the part of the subordinate to enhance the synergistic interchange between the follower and the leader, team play.
  • INTEGRAL VISION: Comprehensive, compelling picture of a desired future state. Leaders create and communicate a world centric vision, strategies, and direction for the organization and persons led. Articulate a worldview for the Nation and the globe and possesses an integral understanding that allows the leader to be aware and understand other persons thus opening greater mutual understanding and openness to innovative, harmonious resolution; and more intelligent and appropriate responses to conflicts faced.
  • MISSION DRIVEN: Peace-of-mind with purpose and connections built on a foundation of common good and compassion. Has a bias for action, for trying new things, and for getting things done. Aggressively pursues objectives and sets high standards for self and others. Takes calculated risks and makes personal sacrifices to get things done.
  • EXECUTIVE MATURITY: Acts appropriately in business, social, and political situations. Displays control in complex, ambiguous, or stressful situations. Identifies with persons, shares their values and beliefs, and is comfortable with them. Works toward mutually carved-out, worldview goals.
  • HUMAN NEEDS SATISFACTION: Is “in-tune” with mental and emotional needs of others, cares about people, and puts action plans in-place to create an environment to improve the quality of life and personal productivity that is beneficial for persons. Links recognition to accomplishment and shows appreciation and expresses pride in the team’s accomplishments.
  • INTEGRAL THEORY and PRACTICE: Student of integral theory and integral life practice—physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening—that includes a pluralistic and multicultural composite map of the human territory and ways to include the important dimensions of being to enable growth, awakening, and development to fullest capacities. Integral theory does not dictate how to practice or how to live. It offers new perspectives on practice and life, new possibilities, and new horizons; and it opens minds, thus hearts, to a more inclusive and compassionate embrace of the Cosmos and all its inhabitants. Leaders who push the edges of their discipline do so by taking perspectives with more depth and more span than most others.
  • INTEGRAL COMMUNICATIONS, TECHNOLOGY and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MASTER: Integral communications translates the way an individual speaks to others’ perspectives while still being an authentic self. Simply keeps persons informed and creates communication forums and diverse coalitions to give and receive information and ethically manage perceptions. The spectrum of communication expertise: intrapersonal, interpersonal, person-to-persons, mass media, social media, and associated technologies that optimize communication needs and strategies.

Artificial Intelligence: The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence-visual perception, speech recognition, decision making and translation between languages.

  • QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS and INFLUENCE: Develops, uses, and sustains strong, cooperative relationships with persons. Uses effective listening and interpersonal skills to achieve mutual trust and respect. Accomplishes tasks and objectives by resolving conflicts and influencing the actions of others. Is seen as a change agent; and makes a difference when involved.
  • STAFFING and STAFF DEVELOPMENT: Attracts and selects people with innate talents and learned skills. Assesses the short and long-term needs of the institution and develops plans to improve the overall structure and talent and skills strength of the institution.
  • TEAM LEADERSHIP: Achieves results by motivating and inspiring a unified, winning team. Builds commitment to common goals by communicating a sense of mission and by energizing the team. Creates an environment where differences are valued, where systems work equally well for all, and wherein persons can retain uniqueness and contribute at their full potential.
  • BUSINESS and FINANCIAL SAVY: Has a worldview perspective and is aware and understands the implications of changes in the globe. Has “street smarts,” sizes-up situations quickly, is practical, and knows the right things to do and when to do them. Plans, communicates, monitors, controls, establishes risks, solves problems, and makes sound decisions concerning economic and financial performance.
  • HANDLING COMPLEXITY: Analyzes and solves complex problems. Deals effectively with large amounts of data, changing conditions, incomplete data, or uncertainty. Understands how seemingly unrelated issues interact and affect one another. Gets to the essence of complex issues quickly, generates a variety of alternative courses of action, and makes effective decisions.
  • IDEA LEADERSHIP: Open to input, change, and new ideas. Implements breakthrough and innovative ideas, programs, and processes that make a genuine difference.
  • INTEGRAL POLITICS: Is aware and understands the inadequacies of political parties because of limited and partial views that do not address the complex issues facing the world today.

Individuals matter, leaders matter and leadership matters. If democracy is to prevail, we must select good leaders and hold them accountable for high quality leadership!! The evolution imperative of wholeness and inspired, growing awareness of the human condition, coupled with helping others, can change the daily headlines from an underlying sense of fear, chaos, and domination to love and freedom. Leaders can be grown who create a vibrant civil society where people continue to be free, to live as they choose, to speak their minds, to organize peacefully, and to have a say in how they are governed. It is time to evolve and move forward from the chaos of hyperpolarization being created by conflicting ideologies of traditionalists, modernists, and post modernists that is being pontificated by politicians, respective tribes, and circus ringleaders. Vote for sane leadership and leaders who are aware, understand, and are committed to common purpose and reconciliation.



Military leaders learn about principles of war, the fundamental truths governing the prosecution of war. The application of these principles to the planning for and direction of war is called strategy; their application on the battlefield is called tactics. Principles of war include the objective, simplicity, unity of command, the offensive, maneuver, mass, economy of force, surprise, and security. [Notes for the Course in the History of the Military Art, Department of Military Art and Engineering, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, 1957, 1-3]

The Red States-Blue States civil war strategies and tactics of 2022 reveal words and actions either 1) to win votes to improve, evolve, and preserve democracy; or 2) to suppress votes, deconstruct democracy, and install autocracy.

Three strategies the Democrats have unfolded are to preserve the soul of the American political system, to strengthen the backbone of the country, and to unite the country. Some of the Democratic tactics being used to earn votes are planned improvement “actions” related to pandemics, infrastructure, economy, climate change, voting rights, immigration, gun safety, and foreign policy.  Continued strategies of the GOP are to divide the country, retain white supremacy, remove women’s rights, LBGTQ harassment, deliberately fan the fires of racism, sow fear, and to suppress voting rights of minorities through the tactic of voter suppression legislation in 43 states. Other intentional tactics are lying, working problems, blocking improvements, creating chaos, deconstructing, dismantling, bickering, sowing hate, and dividing.

“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” (Y. Berg) We are the intrapersonal, interpersonal and person to persons language we create; and a person who controls the message of words has tremendous power over others.

As 2022 elections unfold, political leadership choices will be revealed. More than likely choices will be driven by language pontificating past results and popular actions. A spectrum of positive words that create the stories and emotions for each of us…freedom, prosperity, security, facts, unity, truth, order, respect, harmony, poise, receptivity, peace, tranquility, positiveness, team effort, teamwork, childcare, guardians, self-mastery, integral life practice, health, non-partisan, wellness and well-being, mindfulness, awareness, self-restraint, values, equality, fairness, globally respected, quality, guiding principles, ethics, peace, clean air, allies, non-partisan, value in diversity, safe schools, no debt, sincerity, trustworthy, believable, passionate, disciplined, generosity, wise, direct, open, nice, 100% responsibility, apology, loving-kindness, patient, tolerant, compassionate, humanness, beautiful, smiling, et al.

An array of negative words that create the stories and emotions for each of us…lies, lynching, deception, casts, spins, obstruction, abuse, conspiracy, human scum, traitors, chaos, entertainment, dynasty, autocracy, racism, above the law, divisiveness, partisan, war, bombs and bullets, street shootings, smoke and mirrors, impeachment, corruption, fear, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cult-like, tribal, business failings, pay-offs, partisan vulgarity, broken promises, scandals, low character, bad judgement, failed policies, cover-ups, low intellect, disruption, conflict, deconstruction, selfish, narcissist, demagogue, cruel, fraud, short-sighted, chaotic, et al.

The language we each are is powerful and the paradox of choice is clear: an America for Americans that is inspiring and visionary for generations to come—freedom, love, hope, happiness, peace-of-mind, purpose, and connections created on a foundation of compassion, common good, and virtue; or an America for Americans that is evil and dictatorial for generations to come—pay-back, fear, hate, vindictive, intimidation, economic insecurity, casts, racism, decay, and global disrespect. Christian D. Larson offers, “So long as we continue to resist or deny evil, we will think about evil, and so long as we think about evil, evil will be impressed upon the subconscious, that the subconscious will reproduce and bring forth into personal life.” When there is only one power which decides who is right and who is wrong, and who should be punished and who not, we have a form of…dictatorship. (James Heiser). The mission is quite clear: to merge with others to co-create, transcend, and include others, and evolve democracy for “We the people, by the people, for the people…” The strategic objective is not to create autocracy for a select few by a select few. Let history record that the civil war of 2022 strategies and tactics of the language and actions won votes to improve, evolve, and preserve democracy for America and Americans.

As best one can determine, the current civil war of words, strategies, and actions between GOP Red States and Democratic Blue States is being orchestrated by the GOP. The GOP strategic objective is to eliminate the power of the Office of the President and Congress and evolve ruling power to the Red States, placing white folks in charge of a country where the few rule the many…fascism, autocracy, pick a word of choice. A current strategy is to use the Federal Court System and the conservative SCOTUS to remove Federal Government jurisdiction and move jurisdiction to Red States. This strategy creates two separate countries—Red States and Blue States—within the country. The United States would disappear.

Why? Money and power for the few. We need to select political leaders who are committed to the United States, not Red States or Blue States. A personal vision is for a nationwide political leader “West Point” for aspiring politicians, young and old, where participants become aware, understand, experience, and commit to duty, honor, and country; and live with associates who honor a code that inspires virtues of not lying, cheating, and stealing.






“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble.” (Y. Berg) Persons who control the message of words have tremendous power over others.

As the 2022 election unfolds, we have choices to make about leaders and leadership for America for Americans. More than likely choices will be based on words. Will choices be based on words of encouragement or words of despair?

Words that today monopolize media…lies, deception, spins, obstruction, abuse, human scum, traitors, chaos, entertainment, corruption, use other people’s money, kleptocracy, dynasty, autocracy, racism, above the law, divisiveness, partisan, war, fascism, automatic weapons, bombs and bullets, street shootings, smoke and mirrors, corruption, contempt, fear, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cult, tribal, business failings, partisan vulgarity, broken promises, scandals, low character, bad judgement, failed policies, dereliction of duty, cover-ups, low intellect, disruption, conflict, deconstruction, selfish, narcissist, demagogue, cruel, fraud, short-sighted, failure to honor oath of office, et al.

The opposite spectrum of powerful words…prosperity, security, facts, truth, order, respect, harmony, poise, receptivity, positiveness, team effort, teamwork, caring, compassion, virtues, common good, guardians, self-mastery, integral life practice, health, non-partisan, wellness and well-being, mindfulness, awareness, helping, self-restraint, values, equality, fairness, globally respected, quality, guiding principles, ethics, peace, clean air, non-partisan, value in diversity, safe schools, no debt, sincerity, trustworthy, believable, passionate, disciplined, generosity, wise, direct, open, nice, 100% responsibility, apology, loving-kindness, patient, tolerant, compassionate, humanness, beautiful, smiling, integrity, honesty, et al.

Words are powerful and the paradox of choice is clear: an America for Americans that is inspiring and visionary for generations to come—love, hope, happiness, peace-of-mind, purpose, common good, and connections created on a foundation of compassion and good; or an America for Americans that is evil and dictatorial for generations to come—pay-back, fear, hate, vindictive, intimidation, economic insecurity and decay, and global disrespect. Christian D. Larson offers, “So long as we continue to resist or deny evil, we will think about evil, and so long as we think about evil, evil will be impressed upon the subconscious, that the subconscious will reproduce and bring forth into personal life.” When there is only one power which decides who is right and who is wrong, and who should be punished and who not, we have a form of…dictatorship. (James Heiser)

 Yes! We have choices to make about leaders and leadership for America for Americans. Let’s make choices based on words of encouragement for evolution of consciousness and culture of America for Americans.


Reflecting on the January 6 Committee hearings; two impeachments; the Mueller Report; Congress; SCOTUS; the Fascist leanings of the GOP; a couple of fine reads—The Betrayal (Ira Shapiro) and Fascism: A Warning (Madeleine Albright)—and recent shootings in New York, Texas, and Oklahoma is cause for alarm! Coupled with escalating political hyperpolarization caused by the conflicting ideologies of traditionalists, modernists, and post-modernists, a strong message is that American democracy is in danger!! Witness the absence of civil discourse; domestic terrorism and targeted violence by extremist groups; possession of assault-type weapons and high-capacity magazines by a growing number of citizens; continued fanning of the flames about the lack of election integrity; widespread proliferation of misinformation and conspiracy theories; a Senate in need of new rules and new leadership; and public trust of the press and integrity of the First Amendment has eroded.

Folks, we have a great deal to heal and get done in the battle for the roots of the Nation. Our fellow citizens are not our enemies; and we are not “Red States” and “Blue States.” Let us be open to the infinite potential, opportunities, and possibilities for our great country, move forward, and evolve. We are all Americans, and we each have a daily choice to transcend and include others. A “draft” worldview of our “mighty task” might look something like this:


Quality, compassion, common good, and virtue in all we are and all we do.


  • Evolve with solid core virtues, values, and a philosophy of transcend and include others.
  • Limited government for citizens. The Supreme Court, the Senate, the House, and the Office of the President have solid leaders and followers who have moral compasses, and are objective, not self-serving, and make decisions that are in the best interests of America.
  • Voting system integrity and elections are free and fair.
  • Fiscal responsibility; economic stability and equity; and long-term financial security.
  • Public safety for all Americans, respect for law and order, no one is above the law, and all citizens are held accountable. Domestic terrorism and targeted violence prevention measures include coordination and cooperation of federal, state, and community authorities.
  • Universal background checks, license to carry, red flag law, safe storage law, and weapons of war are kept on the battlefield. It is illegal for a citizen to purchase, own, or possess assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Federal, state, and local journalism infrastructures are strong and public trust of the press and integrity of the First Amendment is strong.
  • Open dialogue and free exchange of ideas is fostered.
  • Education processes are the best of the best.
  • Pandemic preparedness and top ten healthcare system with integral health, wellness, and wellbeing at the core.
  • Programs, processes, and coalitions to dismantle systemic racism.
  • Controlled business ethical and moral issues.
  • Avoid war with strong military and space forces, global allies and networks, and dialogue.
  • Professional State Department and alliances coupled with reasoned foreign policy.
  • Helping others and caring about others: churches, individuals, groups, institutions, and the government.
  • Justice for all; and judges are objective, uphold the Constitution, and have core virtues, historic values, and guiding principles, and satisfy evolving cultural needs.
  • Marriage and children: citizen’s choices and model culture’s evolution.
  • Respect for science.
  • Environmental awareness, control, and self-restraint.
  • Strength in diversity and humane immigration laws and regulations. Borders are sanely managed.
  • Respect for democracy and decentralized culture with empowered citizens.

It is time to evolve and move forward from the chaos of hyperpolarization being created by conflicting ideologies of traditionalists, modernists, and post modernists that is being pontificated by politicians and respective tribes. A good cultural worldview for America can facilitate discussion and transcendence. We need good, solid leaders who can turn vision into reality!



Ever since teeing up that first golf ball with Mom and Dad at the age of eight, golf has been a patient life coach; and as the years have sped by, the sport continues to coach and counsel. Recent experiences have offered that if open and psychologically ready for the infinite messages, “simple” in golf and life can be discovered beyond sport and life’s complexities.

Christian D. Larson’s message is clear: we are reflections—thinking, personality, and character—of the language in which we live. (The Great Within) As Abel Leighton Allen contends, “Our todays are the result of our past thinking, our tomorrows the result of our present thinking. We have been our mental parents, and we shall be our own mental children.” How would Woody and Birdy Ball, Golf as Guru (www.johnedwindevore.com), use this taste of philosophy to improve the golf game?

  • Search for a meditation coach and launch daily meditation. During ritual on every shot this will facilitate quieting the mind and offer a spiritual experience of becoming one with the environment, the club, the ball, and the target.
  • Become aware, understand, work with, and trust the well-programmed subconscious mind to perform. A place to start is with an easy read of The Great Within: Unleashing the Power of Your Subconscious Mind (Christian D. Larson, 2012, Crowell). Larson offers, “While directing attention upon the subconscious, the idea that is to be impressed should be clearly discerned in mind and an effort should be made to feel the soul of that idea.” (3)
  • Commit to an integral health, wellness, and wellbeing process. A nice beginning is with cardiovascular training; Yoga for Golfers (Katherine Roberts); and The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Golf, Third Edition (Sportsworkout.com). An interesting read and guide: Integral Life Practice: A 21st Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening (Wilber, Patten, Leonard & Morelli, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts: Integral).
  • Select a coach who is a good listener and will work with you to accomplish your golf goals, not his or hers. Good coach-student chemistry is a must.
  • Have equipment that fits and feels good; and make sure those clubs sound good at impact.
  • Immaculate set-up: grip, aim, POSTURE, and stance. As the body goes, so goes the mind; as the mind goes, so goes the body. Posture, posture, posture!
  • Two putts per green maximum; hit the greens in regulation; and make ups and downs.
  • Stay curious and open to learn from infinite sources about the integral, evolving individual, subjective inner game; the individual, objective outer game; the collective, subjective inner game; and the collective, objective outer game. For an introduction to the integral concept see Integral Life Practice: A 21st Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening, pages 27-39.
  • Play happy golf! Enjoy the journey as you create and participate in the evolution of consciousness and culture.

As Birdy offers, “Yes! We are thinking, personality, virtue, and character reflections of the language we live in. Let’s live in the language of the authentic self we desire, not the swing thoughts, chastisement, and whims of the monkey mind that keep us mired two shots from insanity.”



Today’s media platforms reveal that America’s three-legged democracy stool is missing its third leg. Economics and politics are alive; and the missing third leg, morality, rears its head daily. In the rear-view mirror are values, virtue, ethics, compassion, leadership, character, decency, common good, honesty, integrity, and common beliefs. Witness suppression of voting rights, COVID-19 pandemic turned political, media untruths, cyber and space warfare, infrastructure decay, inequitable wages, healthcare and childcare shortcomings, systemic racism and casts, LGBTQ rights questioned, abortion rights removed, Congressional hearings about insurrection, environmental degradation, untreated mental health, home grown terrorism, immigration overload and inhumanity, thriving white supremacy, education state-of-the art and funding deficiencies, insane gun control, deterioration of government credibility—SCOTUS, Congress, and Office of the President—and the list continues. The danger is continued and deepening division, fear, autocracy, and fascism. The opportunity is to improve common good, helping others, and caring about others; and merge and participate in interactive dialogue and collectively manifest the missing third leg of the stool, morality, or common good and caring, for America, Americans, and the globe. As Jonathan Sacks offers in Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times,

Recovering liberal democratic freedom will involve emphasizing responsibilities as well as rights; shared rules, not just individual choices; caring for others as well as for ourselves; and making space not just for self-interest but also for common good. Morality is an essential feature of our human environment, as important as the market (economics) and the state (politics), but outsourceable to neither. Morality humanizes the competition for wealth and power. It is the redemption of our solitude. (20)

Authoritarianism has gotten us where we are; and unless we do something different, we will stay where we are and eventually destroy ourselves. In The Passionate Mind Revisited Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad offer, “Authoritarianism has two basic traits: a person or ideology that claims to know what’s best for others; and second, the authority is unchallengeable-not open to feedback and change when shown to be wrong.” (15) If the old, traditionalist worldview wins there is little likelihood the species will survive.

Yes, it feels like the country is a mess and that post truth, and consequently mistrust, is bubbling with conspiracy, spins, lies, partial truths, and more lies! Simply unhealthy ego, work-in-process human condition and shortcomings that are offering platforms for tomorrow’s challenges, opportunities, and evolution. An analytical glance reveals a least common denominator to be polarization, nurtured by festering, unhealthy selves that unleash pain and suffering in many forms.

Meditation and collective, interactive dialogue offer a breath of evolutionary optimism and hope for Americans to have productive, interactive, authentic dialogue to build coalitions, work together, create evolutionary beliefs and values, nurture and build visions for generations of children and experience compassion as the antibiotic to confront a nasty infection. No one needs to suffer, and no one wants to suffer. We need to transcend and include and not undermine the human desire to evolve and survive.

Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad offer,

Humanity has displayed great creativity in most domains, except for relationships. Most of our problems are a function of unworkable relationships between people, groups, religions, regions, and countries, and humanity’s relation with the Earth. Because killing, or the threat of it, is and has been the bottom line of power, and has given the nature of power and wealth to coalesce and expand, and given that children need lengthy nurturing, humanity has not yet constructed a social system that can sufficiently promote the general wellbeing of large populations…We need an evolutionary leap in relationships to match our extraordinary recent leaps in science and technology and the resulting juggernaut taking us we know not where. Developing our relational and social capabilities must include the global dimension by replacing traditional unlivable, authoritarian ideals with more viable pan-cultural values that can flexibly meet accelerated change. We must learn how to be global social animals at last, through deepening, exploring, and building on the untapped potential in our nature, broadening our awareness, and emotionally maturing-all of which are possible if we care enough about surviving. (357)

Simply, we all need to grow our individual and collective mindfulness, awareness, and self-restraint and put “care” into all we think, say, and do. As good leaders understand and practice, transcending, including, and evolving imply a willingness to compassionately listen to and accept those who are different and have beliefs and belief processes that are different.




Gowf is a mighty teacher never deviating from its sacred roots, always ready to lead us on…And I say to ye all, good friends, that as ye grow in gowf, ye come to see things ye learn in every other place…Ye’ll come away from the links with a new hold on life, that is certain if ye play the game with all your heart.

Michael Murphy

Many persons have pointed the way to the goal of evolution of consciousness and culture in golf and life. Special thanks to Dad and Mom, first golf partners and caddies, then and now. It was December 1, 1948, that launched the beginning of the golf journey: Dad wrote a check for $100 to purchase share #124 in The Buckeye Golf Club Company, doing business as Orchard Hills Country Club, Bryan, Ohio. I was eight years old. The family took lessons from Shorty Stockman, Head Golf Professional; and shagging golf balls and playing golf became a part of life, then and now.

How did Doug and I get started in the game?

 The author grew up in Sherwood, a small town in Northwest Ohio, fifteen miles from the Indiana state line and 27 miles from the Michigan state line. The town was all of 500 folks where Dad owned a family operated hardware store. Customers were hard-working corn, wheat, oats, and soybean farmers.

Other than work or church, Orchard Hills Country Club, Bryan, Ohio, was a frequent “place to be” for Dad, Mom, my brother, Dan, and me while Dan and I we were growing up as kids. Dad closed the store every Thursday afternoon and played golf with Harry Gardner, the hardware store owner in Bryan. Golf is in the genes.

The first golf clubs were Wilson Staff, a brassy, a five iron, and a putter in a nice light brown. canvas bag. These clubs were to last through son Doug’s backyard days in Colorado. The second set of golf clubs was a set of Wilson Staff Sam Snead matched woods and irons. This set of clubs was passed along after they became too heavy for Dad and he began to use Mom’s clubs, a set of Wilson Staff Babe Didrikson Zaharias matched woods and irons. The set of Sam Snead woods and irons were partners at West Point, made the trip after 1962 graduation to Winter Haven, Florida, in the trunk of a 1962 Corvette, made several trips across the United States during the U.S. Army career and found a home in Arvada, Colorado during a business career at Coors. An interesting story. During Ranger School the Corvette was kept in a parking lot at Fort Benning, Georgia. During the swamp phase of the training at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, the Corvette was stolen and recovered from a swamp near St. Augustine, Florida. Other than parking the car in water covering the floorboards, the thieves were kind enough to steal only the tires, rims, and camera from the pried open trunk. The golf clubs remained!

A note of thanks to son Doug for keeping the golf fire buring: he wanted to learn to play golf in summer 2004. He was 31. The first lesson with Doug at Indian Tree Golf Course, Arvada, Colorado sparked wife Cindy’s interest in learning to play. She took lessons from Tom Thorne at Indian Tree and has been a fearless, patient golf partner, and favorite instructor ever since. Daily, I am grateful for her endearing smile and voice, wisdom, faith, hope, patience, and love, on and off the golf course.

The golf rocket took off for Doug in 2009. In 2007, at the beginning of the recession, Doug had chosen to relocate to Arizona and attend the Motorcycle Mechanics Institute, subsequently working for Ride Now, Peoria; Bourget’s, a custom motorcycle shop, Deer Valley; and a Harley-Davidson dealership, Scottsdale. One evening in late 2008 Doug called and indicated he needed to change professions. Because of the recession, the motorcycle business was struggling—Harley-Davidson had laid off over 7000 employees—and he was considering changing to the golf industry and contemplating attendance at the Golf Academy of America. Absent zero research, Dad’s thinking was that this sounded like fun and something Dad wanted to do with Doug. And the golf fire was re-kindled.

While attending Golf Academy of America-Phoenix for 14 months, Doug and I chose to live in the Fairview Apartments, Chandler, adjacent to San Marcos Golf Course. This course was created in 1917, is proud owner of the oldest green grass greens in Arizona, and is site of an Al Capone historic house.

The Golf Academy was a blast: weekly competitive golf with classmates, great practice, books, study, instruction, exams, friendships, and parties. Following graduation in 2010 Doug landed a position with Sunland Village East golf club, Mesa, working for the course superintendent. A next career move was to Desert Mountain, Scottsdale, with seven Jack Nicklaus courses. Initially, Doug managed the maintenance crew for the Outlaw course, moved on to manage the maintenance crews for the Renegade and Chiricahua courses, added a third course, Cochise, and finally, a fourth, the Seven course. Most recently, he works in the Engineering Department managing the Custom Woodworking Shop and facilitating golf club member activities. Golf and Desert Mountain have been good for Doug and his family. My Dad would be proud that passing along the golf genes was a good idea. Yes, golf has been good for both Doug and Dad; and the journey continues.