Posted on December 28, 2024
Happy New Year!! Let’s get the year off to a good start by making a commitment to dampen these troubling, chaotic, evolving, and divided times. Growing our awareness and care can certainly help. Simply Big Mind, Big Heart, an expression of integral ethics.
Listening to mind chatter, reflection, sitting, and reading about integral ethics have surfaced that expanding personal awareness and the circle of care and help invites one to take a helicopter perspective of what it means to practice goodness in our everyday lives. Integral ethics “…provides a framework for thinking about how we live and for making the best moral decisions we can. It also makes sense of people’s different ethical structures by using…AQAL distinctions-quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types.” (Integral Life Practice, 255) A quick peek at some of the terms…
Some associated integral ethics terms…
The more I have reflected on integral ethics, the more the concept appears to touch on every aspect of our lives. We can nourish the depth of personal awareness and care via the flexibility of processes found in Integral Life Practice: A 21st Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening (Wilber et al, 2008, Boulder, CO: Integral, 255-285).
Posted on December 21, 2024
The Platinum Rule: “Treat others as THEY would like to be treated.” (Integral Life Practice: A 21st Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening, Ken Wilber, Terry Patten, Adam Leonard & Marco Morelli, 2008, Boulder, Colorado: Integral Books, page 259):
Who are THEY? That is a fantastic question! What about the Golden Rule?
Initially, perking, reflection, reading, and sitting have offered that THEY are humans and include the Self and others…partners, moms, popps, kids, grandkids, family, relatives, uncs, aunts, community members, friends, work associates, golf partners, bowling buddies, gym associates, teammates, et al. An interesting perspective is offered in Integral Life Practice,
The ability to take wider (evolving awareness) and deeper (evolving care and compassion) perspectives may lead you to higher expressions of traditional ethical dictums. For instance, the Golden Rule, recognized by most religious traditions, essentially says “treat others as you would like to be treated.” Yet when you take another’s perspective you may discover that the way you would like to be treated differs from the way the other would like to be treated…The Platinum Rule honors the rich diversity of human sensibilities and structures of awareness by asking advanced ethical practitioners to take the perspective of another and act from that awareness. The philosopher Karl Popper articulated the Platinum Rule when he said, “The Golden Rule is a good standard which is further improved by doing unto others, whenever possible, as they want to be done.” …New awareness expands my circle of care and compassion. Care demands new awareness. Awareness grows, care grows, awareness grows, care grows. (259)
Additional perking, reflection, sitting, and reading have surfaced that expanding the circle of care invites one to take a helicopter view of a specific THEY and explore respective ways of showing up in the world…
Enjoy the Holiday Season with Big Mind-Big Heart…simply embrace taking the perspective of another and act from that awareness.
Posted on December 17, 2024
Gosh! It’s the Holiday Season and what could be more important during these troubling, chaotic, evolving, and divided times than awareness and care. Simply Big Mind, Big Heart, and expression of integral ethics.
From Integral Life Practice: A 21st Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening (Ken Wilber, Terry Patten, Adam Leonard & Marco Morelli, 2008, Boulder, Colorado: Integral Books, page 272):
Awareness and Care
Awareness and care are two of the primary themes of Integral Life Practice. Awareness expresses Big Mind while care expresses Big Heart.
Integral Ethics
Thus, ethics is not just the cultivation of care and compassion. It is also the cultivation of awareness. I can only care for what is in my awareness. If my care is sincere, it asks for continual expansion of my awareness.
New awareness expands my circle of care and compassion. Care demands new awareness. Awareness grows, care grows, awareness grows, care grows.
The Platinum Rule: “Treat others as they would like to be treated.” (259)
Enjoy the Holiday Season with Big Mind-Big Heart…simply embrace taking the perspective of another and act from that awareness. (259)
Posted on December 14, 2024
Political headlines remind of little kids who are desperate for approval and have never been told that bragging is obnoxious; and that lying, cheating, name calling and using other people’s money for self-serving outcomes are not ethical and moral. Where are the political leaders and leadership? They have been replaced by actors, entertainment, and showmanship.
Directed mass communication and social media efforts to manipulate, discredit and dismantle; deliberate, vindictive attacks of media; election interference; politically inspired chaos, violence, distractions and divisiveness; loss of truth to power; deception and fake news intended to manipulate and nurture egos; emergence of fringe political organizations and activist groups; and undermining international coalitions, these headlines portray boiling, turbulent, conflicted and partisan times. An analytical glance establishes the least common denominator to be nothing more than a manifestation of the reality of our individual and collective human condition—everything human can be reduced to entertainment that can be branded, that manifests competitive spirit and that can be marketed and sold as a commodity. Of notable interest in our Western culture has been the transition from politics with leaders and leadership to politics with politicians who are actors and entertainers who love showmanship and ego aggrandizement: a long-term, global worldview has been replaced by short-term entertainment snippets that are divisive and attract human ego’s thirst and greed. The glaring need is to grow leaders who are students of the human condition and leadership; and who have a track record of leadership successes with measurable accountabilities.
LEADERSHIP is an attribute of an individual’s brand; and is an earned, trust based, influence relationship between the respective leader, other leaders and followers who intend ethical and moral change that mirror common purpose. Some key qualities are as follows:
Artificial Intelligence: The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence-visual perception, speech recognition, decision making and translation between languages.
Individuals matter, leaders matter and leadership matters. If democracy is to prevail, we must select good leaders and hold them accountable for high quality leadership!! The evolution imperative of wholeness and inspired, growing awareness of the human condition, coupled with helping others, can change the daily headlines from an underlying sense of fear, chaos, and domination to love and freedom. Leaders can be grown who create a vibrant civil society where people continue to be free, to live as they choose, to speak their minds, to organize peacefully and to have a say in how they are governed.
Posted on December 8, 2024
Ever since teeing up that first golf ball with Mom and Dad at the age of seven, golf has been a patient life coach; and as the years have sped by, the sport continues to coach and counsel. Recent experiences have offered that if open and psychologically ready for the infinite messages, “simple” in golf and life can be discovered beyond sport and life’s complexities.
Christian Larson’s (The Great Within) message is clear: we are reflections—thinking, personality and character—of the language we live-in. As Abel Leighton Allen contends, “Our todays are the result of our past thinking, our tomorrows the result of our present thinking. We have been our mental parents, and we shall be our own mental children.” How would Woody and Birdy Ball, Golf as Guru, use this taste of philosophy on every shot or putting stroke on the golf course? “Too complicated for us: Just learn to program and trust the subconscious to hit the #$@% golf ball to an intended target.”
Step One: Create a clear, conscious vision of the ball at the desired target; and feel what is required to place the ball at the target: body mechanics, club mechanics, swing motion and ball position.
-Club required.
-Immaculate set-up.
-One piece take-away.
-No hurry to transition for full torque turn.
-Smooth transition.
-Accelerating forward swing and release.
-Club face square to ball-target line at impact.
-Extension of club to target.
-Complete finish.
Step Two: Go to the breath and program the subconscious with the vision of the what and the how—breathe it, think it, deeply feel it, see it, taste it, smell it, and touch it. Ball at the target.
Step three: Proceed with the pre-shot routine and ritual for the desired shot or stroke.
Step four: Celebrate!
As Birdy offers, “Yes! We are thinking, personality and character reflections of the language we live in. Let’s live in the language we desire! Not the swing thoughts and whims of the monkey mind that keep us mired two shots from insanity.”
Posted on November 30, 2024
“The most dangerous time in the life of nations is the time between systems-when the old ways are discredited, but new habits and new institutions have not yet taken shape.” (Michael Novak)
An impression being communicated by the incoming regime is…
June 19, 2023, PATRIOT, Alexi Navalny,
We are afraid of you. We are afraid of what you will say. We are afraid of the truth.
This is an important confession. And it makes practical sense for all of us. We must do what they fear-tell the truth, spread the truth. This is the most powerful weapon against this regime of liars, thieves, and hypocrites. Everyone has this weapon. So make use of it.
We are in the NEUTRAL ZONE…
It is quite clear that the United States has been undergoing chaotic government changes; and, post-presidential 2024 election, it is clearly unfolding that “We the people…” will be witness to overwhelming changes and chaos in government…players, policy, goals, objectives, strategy, technology, and culture…simply change, reorganization, and redeployment. Perhaps several three-ring circuses and varied sideshows of planned and organized chaos, too. All too many of these changes will be discussed behind closed doors, or simply implemented, with little concern for how they will affect people or for what people will have to do to make them work. Examples: massive deportations, tariffs, and revenge messages. It will simply be assumed that if the changes are necessary, people will adjust to them. But experience suggests that the psychological process that change initiates is more like distress and disruption than adjustment. (Dr. William Bridges) And yet, the intent may be to simply have planned CHAOS and CONFUSION to undermine the “freedoms from” and “people strengths” uncovered in the history and traditions of the United States of America…all in the name of power for a select few.
A net result is that most changes will take longer and cost more to implement; and many of the changes that are meant to strengthen organizations-like our government-will weaken it…folks will be resentful, demotivated, puzzled, angry, overly excited, irritated, stressed, afraid, self-absorbed, skeptical, bundles of mind chatter, distracted, and confused when commitment and creativity are essential.
Each change has an ending, a period of transition, and a new beginning. Typically overlooked by change agents is TRANSITION, the psychological reorientation people go through when coming to terms with change. Transitions goes on inside people, typically takes longer than the change, starts with an ending, and is finished with a new beginning.
What can change agents do?
Simply, empathetically and compassionately, help and care about the people moving through the changes…the endings, the transitions, and the new beginnings. Misdirected and hastily mismanaged transitions grow GRASS…guilt, resentment, anxiety, self-absorption, and stress.
“We think in generalities, but we live in detail.” (Alfred North Whitehead)
Let’s make change work for us!
Bridges, William. Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes.
Drucker, Peter. Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Dyer, William. Strategies for Managing Change.
Handy, Charles. The Age of Unreason.
Peters, Tom. Thriving on Chaos.
Tichy, Noel. The Transformational Leader.
Posted on November 9, 2024
The civil war of 2025 will reveal principles, strategies and tactics of words and actions to deconstruct democracy, move forward with oligarchy, and install autocracy. Continued strategies of the GOP will be to divide the country, retain white supremacy, deliberately fan the fires of racism, sow fear, and to suppress voting rights of minorities through the tactic of voter suppression legislation in 43 states. Other intentional tactics are lying, working problems, blocking improvements, creating chaos, deconstructing, dismantling, bickering, sowing hate, and dividing.
“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” (Y. Berg) We are the intrapersonal, interpersonal and person to persons language we create; and a person who controls the message of words has tremendous power over others.
As 2025 unfolds, political choices will be revealed, and more than likely many choices were driven by family tradition, ego or words pontificating past results and popular actions. A spectrum of positive words that create the stories, emotions and feelings for each of us…freedom, prosperity, security, facts, unity, truth, order, respect, harmony, poise, receptivity, peace, tranquility, positiveness, team effort, teamwork, childcare, guardians, self-mastery, integral life practice, health, non-partisan, wellness and well-being, mindfulness, awareness, self-restraint, values, equality, fairness, globally respected, quality, guiding principles, ethics, peace, clean air, allies, non-partisan, value in diversity, safe schools, no debt, sincerity, trustworthy, believable, passionate, disciplined, generosity, wise, direct, open, nice, 100% responsibility, apology, loving-kindness, patient, tolerant, compassionate, humanness, beautiful, smiling, et al.
An array of negative words that create the stories and emotions for each of us…lies, lynching, deception, casts, spins, obstruction, abuse, conspiracy, human scum, traitors, chaos, entertainment, dynasty, autocracy, racism, above the law, divisiveness, partisan, war, bombs and bullets, street shootings, smoke and mirrors, impeachment, corruption, fear, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cult-like, tribal, business failings, pay-offs, porn stars, partisan vulgarity, broken promises, scandals, low character, bad judgement, failed policies, cover-ups, low intellect, disruption, conflict, deconstruction, selfish, narcissist, demagogue, cruel, fraud, short-sighted, chaotic, et al.
The psychology of spoken language is powerful gift and the paradox of choice is clear: an America for Americans that is inspiring and visionary for generations to come—freedom for, love, hope, happiness, peace-of-mind, purpose, and connections created on a foundation of compassion and good; or an America for Americans that is evil and dictatorial for generations to come—pay-back, fear of, hate, vindictive, intimidation, economic insecurity, casts, racism, decay, and global disrespect. Christian D. Larson offers, “So long as we continue to resist or deny evil, we will think about evil, and so long as we think about evil, evil will be impressed upon the subconscious, that the subconscious will reproduce and bring forth into personal life.” When there is only one power which decides who is right and who is wrong, and who should be punished and who not, we have a form of…dictatorship. (James Heiser). The mission is quite clear: to merge with others to co-create, transcend, and include others, and evolve democracy for “We the people, by the people, for the people…” The strategic objective is not to create oligarchy for a select few who govern the many. Let history record that the deepening civil war of 2025, the strategies and tactics of the language and actions we each are, won votes to deconstruct a legendary democratic republic. The change and transition has been brutal and will become worse before it gets better. Will the outcome be democratic republic or autocracy?
As 2025 unfolds, a MUST READ for all Americans, whether Republican, Independent, or Democrat, is The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary by Melissa Murray and Andrew Weissmann. The introduction certainly nails what we have witnessed, are witnessing and will witness, “His ‘brand’…transgression-an id with no super ego.” (xiii) Simply, the impulsive part of the personality that is driven by pleasure and repulsed by pain, absent the judgmental and morally correct part of personality. Murray and Weissmann offer, “THE UNITIED STATES is venturing into uncharted territory with not one, but four, criminal indictments of a former president for crimes alleged to have been committed before, during, and after his presidency.” (xvi)
How one chooses to “show-up” in the world can be critiqued by researching, examining, and witnessing talents, skills, and experiences; making observations; and scrutinizing character, personality, mentality, and interests. Let us take-a-look at President-Elect Donald J. Trump.
Talents, Skills, and Experiences
A narcissistic drama-seeker who covers a fragile ego with a bullying impulse and has taken democracy to the brink. (Maggie Haberman, Confidence Man, 506) Life’s goal has been to gain and maintain position power, at any cost. Witness a track record of business and government failures, investigations and numerous lawsuits and absolute chaotic disasters: most consequential president in history; puppet of Vladimir Putin; foreign policy bullying, badgering, and destroying; abandoned allies; personal business endeavors with several bankruptcies; North Korean nuclear weapons stockpile doubled; pandemic management and leadership was non-existent, dereliction of duty, passed buck off to governors who became blame targets; enlisted foreign interference in elections (Russia and China); several obstruction of justice charges; impeachment proceedings; insurrection; multiple legal cases lost and pending; accepts payoffs for positions; and has numerous Trump party cronies who are lost souls in search of a tribe and chief. No decisions are made based on strategic plans, strategies, goals, and objectives; makes decisions on how he feels at the time; can handle small projects and sign executive orders; not able to lead projects large in scope; selection of judges, deconstruction of government entities, environmental deregulations and deconstruction of institutions may be his legacy; and immigration policy is inhumane. Is a master at using neuroses [The dark side of the psyche: denied, repressed, disowned and projected subconscious aspects of the Self.] to create stories (“fake news”) that strategically move the “lightning rod” from the Trump Party to others to trigger the psyche of perceived “enemies” and his base. Others become the personification of the wrongs and inexcusable of the Trump Party: Russian interference, Ukraine, racism, nativism, gloating, tax cuts for the rich, Supreme Court justices, bullying, outrages, fake news, etc., etc. As Bernie Sanders has eloquently noted, “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfs.” Accepting responsibility for anything is not his cup of tea. Blaming others is his ballgame. Just take him Diet Coke, wash his dirty laundry and witness a confusing story narrative, throwing sand in the eyes of the onlooker, claiming that transparently implausible stories were true unless proven otherwise, and denying the obvious truth.
President-Elect Donald J. Trump is a genius at networking and using the media to recruit, retain, and fire, at will, addicted surrogates, circles of friends, admirers, celebrity hangers-on, and wannabes who savor and long for safety and security sought by bonding together and identifying with a tribe to persevere and protect against outsiders. Allegiance and admiration are given to the chief and clan. Mystical signs, conspiracy, and desires of powerful spirit beings must be followed for the continued safety and well-being of the tribe. Years of behaviors reveal the following:
Character, Personality, Mentality, and Interests.
Partisan politics is a dangerous duel of limited and partial truths; and binds party sorted folks to fixed, literal or otherwise limiting beliefs and frames of minds. Political party sorted, addicted surrogates make obvious excuses for candidates and excuse the inexcusable with respect to virtue, morality, judgment, intent, behavior, actions, ethics, and laws. W. Edwards Deming remarked, “If a person is not performing as expected, it is probably because they are miscast for the job.” Michael Cohen offers, “No one ever tells Trump the truth about his behavior and beliefs, or the consequences of his conduct and ignorance and arrogance, in business or in his personal life and now in politics. Trump is the boy in the bubble, impervious to the thoughts and feelings or others, entirely and utterly focused on his own desires and ambitions.”
President-Elect Donald J. Trump is a power-hungry gangster who is unfit to occupy the Office of the President of the United States of America. Examine and deeply reflect on his profile. As a country, we need a President who will lead the country, improve the country, and set the stage for future generations, not one who will continue to deconstruct the many institutions that are the foundation and pillars of the America Americans desire. Read The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary by Melissa Murray and Andrew Weissmann. America needs an individual with healthy ego, the conscious part of personality that mediates between the id and the superego and makes decisions that are in the best interests of the UNITED STATES. From this veteran’s perspective…12 years of service, including two years of combat…this country deserves better. A convicted felon should not be Commander-in-Chief of the military services.
Posted on November 2, 2024
With two days before the Presidential election, and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President can bear fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Here’s a merged vision:
Core Values and Guiding Principles
The Constitution is sacredly obligatory upon all. Our core values are truth to power, honesty, integrity, hope, love, and morality; and we put quality in all we are and all we do. We respect law and order and are committed to “walk the talk,” to action, and to the concept of 100% responsibility. We are objective, not self-serving, and make decisions in the best interests of The United States of America.
Leaders: have a track record of success and are trusted; have a history of compassion, loving-kindness, and building coalitions; understand that great leaders have been good followers and that leadership is an influence relationship that energizes earned power and willingness to achieve mutually defined goals; are master of the self, mind”full”ness, awareness, and integral life practice and model the way as persons, in relationships, socially, institutionally, and by helping others; have high standards with respect to morals, ethics, guiding principles, and core values that are plainly manifested in candidate’s personality, character, mentality, and magnetism; have learned self-restraint and 100% responsibility; are visibly committed to health, wellness, and well-being personally and for all Americans; are well-qualified, listen, inspire hope, have faith, are empathetic, and who know where the country is and what it needs; will be surrounded by exceptionally well-qualified associates; will diligently work to create and maintain a compelling worldview vision and action strategies and plans for the country; and will lead the development of policies and programs to evolve this country for all Americans.
Policies and Programs
Wow! That is a bunch of stuff to get done. VOTE! Regardless of who wins, there is plenty to get done and the question is whether we as Americans can pull together and get the job done, or will our conflicts and divisions grow wider. Let’s target for functional humans, parents, families, communities, and togetherness! As President Abraham Lincoln offered, “Together we stand, divided we fall.”
Posted on October 26, 2024
In 2024 our VOTE is for the type of political system (democracy or fascism) America will have and the global neighbors many Americans will have chosen for partners. Alexei Navalny, in PATRIOT: A MEMOIR, offers,
I wonder how you would get on as a politician if, after every meeting in an electoral campaign, you were placed under arrest for a month. It is as if I were priding myself on living in an environment so grim, and where politics is so very real, that I absolutely have to go to prison…You don’t need to be a great psychologist to recognize what is at the root of this: Russians yearn for a normal life, fully aware that we have invented all our existing problems for ourselves. We can’t admit to being fools, though, so we look for something to boast about, where in fact there is nothing to be proud of. (41-42)
Sound familiar? Gobs of media, nurture ego, fear, blood baths, and intimidation; illusion, confusion, mindless chatter, no debate, no compromise, border security, autocracy, fascism, and absolute power. Demagogue, use other peoples’ money, do nothing to contribute to the personal health, wellness and well-being of others; disrespect, eat pets, home grown terrorism, international crime, opioid epidemic, tariffs, unfair trade, taxes, and racism (intersection of racial prejudice and power); gutter games, smears, lies, false stories, twisted stories, demanded (vs earned) loyalty, street mentality, divisive rhetoric, media attacks, chaos, and make up anything to attack a person’s credibility if not agreeable; anti-tax, anti-climate change, discrimination, narcissist, insensitive, Putin puppet, love starved, infidelity, cheats, steals, NRA, white supremacists, cult leader, anti-muslimism, launder money, no vision, no leadership, hate, exaggerations and fabrications, spin, re-spin, create stories, us vs them, bully, and bigot.
Michael Brown offers,
As children, we entered the world of order, routine, and “appropriate” behavior through the guidance, encouragement, and insistence of our parents. Initially, this predicament of lacking personal will was the consequence of our relationship with our mother. We ate, dressed, bathed, and behaved in a manner that was first initiated and spoken for by our mother. Then we acted according to what we perceived as appropriate in the eyes of our mother and father. The consequence is that today, on an unconscious level, our motivation for the way we eat, dress, bathe, and behave is almost solely sourced from the reflected presence of others. We unconsciously use these “others” as ongoing reflections of our mother and father. Through the presence of others, we are attempting to please and appease our mother and father in order that we may gain their approval and unconditioned acceptance.
This initial motivation to do this and that for mommy and daddy was inevitably transformed and transferred as we moved through our childhood, teenage years, and into adulthood. When we were young, this compulsion to act in a manner that we believed would enable us to gain our parents love and approval was automatic. During our teenage years this behavior transformed into an automatic desire to “fit in” with our peer groups. By the time we entered our adult experience, this need for outer validation became cloaked as a desire to be responsible, or to “get ahead.” Therefore, let us call most of our behavior what it is: a desire to get a reaction, a drama staged for the purpose of gaining outer attention. For some of us this desire may have manifested as its polar opposite. In other words, we desired “not” to fit in or get ahead. This resistance is also a reaction and can be traced to our initial interactions with our parents (or their substitutes). (The Presence Process, 129)
To create a grass roots infrastructure—kids, parents, teachers, ministers, grandparents, families, and communities— with purpose and connections with a foundation of authentic compassion, ego-mind is dead. Some food for thought to help re-route the ship: Rachel Kleinfield and Aaron Sobel (USA Today, Friday, July 24, 2020, page7A) offer, “7 ways to reduce political polarization: Destroying the other side cannot be our goal.”
Partisanship is shaking the mighty pillars of our democracy; and destroying the other party is not a reasonable objective. The chaos, confusion, and disaster we see unfolding daily is about destroying the other group of human beings, the other tribe. As The Honorable John Lewis offered, get in “Good Trouble” and become a master of uniting. Whether Democrat, Republican, Independent, or other, America The Beautiful is the goal!!! Let us evolve together, not apart. Some folks wonder what happened; some folks watch what is happening; and some folks make things happen. Make things happen!!!
Posted on October 19, 2024
America needs a President and associates who are not unraveling our democracy’s pillars and dismantling long standing leadership, ethics, morals, values, virtues, and principles—living on the dark side of the law. Quality leadership is an earned, trust based, influence relationship between the leader, other leaders and followers who intend ethical and moral changes that mirror common purpose. Today’s chaos and confusion are certainly indicative of disheveled, antidemocratic, undisciplined political leadership and deepening political warfare that shine light on political gain in lieu of ethical-moral responsibility. James Comey, former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, captures the reality of today’s America quite well. A Donald Trump presidency,
…unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values…transactional, ego driven, and about personal loyalty…Whatever your politics, it is wrong to dismiss the damage to the norms and traditions that have guided the presidency and our public life for decades or, in many cases, since the republic was founded…Policies come and go. Supreme Court justices come and go. But the core of our nation is our commitment to a set of shared values that began with George Washington—to restraint and integrity and balance and transparency and truth…Thoughtful people are staring at the vicious partisanship that has grown all around us. Far from creating a new norm where lying is widely accepted, the Trump presidency… ignited a focus on truth and ethics. Parents are talking to their children about truth-telling, about respect for all people, about rejecting prejudice and hate. Schools and religious institutions are talking about values-driven leadership…The next president (must)…surely emphasize values—truth, integrity, respect, and tolerance—in ways an American leader hasn’t needed to for more than forty years. The fire will make something good grow…I wrote this book because I hope it will be useful to people living among the flames who are thinking about what comes next. I also hope it will be useful to readers long after the flames are doused, by inspiring them to choose a higher loyalty, to find truth among lies, and to pursue ethical leadership.
Leaders and leadership uncover goodness and practice goodness; and the art of goodness includes being truthful, authentic, caring and courageous that constitute integrity: coupling intentions, promises and commitments with actions. Quite simply: walk the talk, be authentic, and model the way as a person, in relations and when helping, caring about, and supporting others. A mutual challenge is to frequently chat with the kids, the grandkids, friends, loved ones, teachers and religious and spiritual leaders about the crying demand for sharing emotions and feelings and growing and nurturing quality leadership, ethics and morals. As Tolstoy reminds, “…it’s impossible to describe a man (woman), but it is possible to describe the effect he (she) has on me.” Coupling that with the wisdom of Shinichi Suzuki, “Living is dying…try to die well,” leaves us with a wise formula. Yes! Joy will transcend the fear, anger and sadness of life and of living. VOTE FOR KAMALA! Let’s turn the page for freedom to…