Have been reflecting on memorable golf course “brand” experiences over the years; and impression and guest service rise to the top of the heap of sensual brand attributes that create a residual, ego-mind thirst to return.

Impression: clean, well-maintained and fun place to be because it inspires a “feel good” sensation.

  • Grounds and facilities: plush green turf and well-manicured landscape; parking lot is clean, well-striped and has a good surface: note number of cars.
  • Signage and identification: useful—what and/or where, in good taste and well-placed: parking, bag drop, club house, rest rooms; warm-up, practice and instruction area; practice golf balls; 1st and 10th
  • Warm-up, practice and instruction area: unobstructed, inviting and spacious. Range has accurate distance markers; putting green accommodates several golfers; and short game area has targets and a bunker that allows sand shots either to the range or to a putting green.
  • Pro shop: customer friendly with open and spacious feel. Has good selection, tasteful merchandising and new merchandise from recognized manufacturers; offers club fitting, club storage and club repair services; present are flyers offering golf lessons, clinics, demonstrations and seminars.
  • Postings and feedback requests: today’s pin locations are visibly posted; local rules, pace-of-play and etiquette reminders are posted and available as handouts for golfers. Guest service evaluation surveys are available at check-in counter.
  • Food and beverage area: organized, attractive, clean and not cluttered. Menu is visible and inviting.
  • Course: flat, well-groomed teeing grounds with attractive hole number markers, ball washers and tee markers; good greens, fairways and roughs; manicured and recently maintained bunkers with good rakes; and course is free of mixed grasses and weeds.
  • Drinking fountains and rest rooms: clean, well-maintained and well-serviced.
  • Maintenance facility: not cluttered and organization is noteworthy; equipment is clean, not worn-out, appears serviceable and expresses pride of mechanics and groundskeepers.

Guest service: guests are well taken care of by professional, experienced, courteous staff who pay attention to details that make sparkling, positive and lasting guest experiences.

  • Initial contact and attitude: friendly, upbeat, happy and enthusiastic. Individuals make eye contact, smile, greet, enquire, offer products and services, respond to requests, follow-up and do not make excuses and blame others. Reminds of Tolstoy’s diary comment, “I cannot describe a person to you; however, I call tell you what effect he (she) has on me.”
  • Leadership and management: impression and felt energy that is witnessed.

A round of golf is a simple “slice of life” and a field of friendly strife where seeds are planted to bear fruits at future times and places. George Heard, a great golf partner and friend, always said on the first tee, “Golf is just a slice of heaven.” Simply embrace the challenge and opportunity for perfect response to life, or heaven on earth.


After a round of golf Sunday, Woody and Birdy Ball, golfer’s partners during the learning-reading journey through Golf as Guru: Mind”full”ness, Awareness and Self-Restraint, were enjoying 19th hole eats and drinks on the patio of the community golf club. The conversation evolved to a discussion of a vision for the club’s brand, strategies, and integral brand attributes. Interesting outcome…
BRAND Read More


As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, contrasting the two candidates for President is interesting. It appears the critical decision is to vote for the candidate who can best move us closer to a created VISION-ALTERNATE REALITY for America: See 9-15-2020 BLOG.
How one chooses to “show-up” in the world can be critiqued by researching, examining, and witnessing talents, skills, and experiences; making observations; and scrutinizing character, personality, mentality, and interests. Let us take-a-look at President Donald J. Trump. (Resources list available with email to JohnDeVore@aol.com) Read More


As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Let us start with the merged vision; and in subsequent BLOGs, candidate profiles will be offered peeking at talents, skills, and experiences; observations; and character, personality, mentality, and interests. Read More


As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Let us start with the merged vision; and in subsequent BLOGs, candidate profiles will be offered peeking at talents, skills, and experiences; observations; and character, personality, mentality, and interests. Read More


A discovery has been that simplicity in golf can be uncovered on the other side of its human created complexity. Could it be as simple as one through eight? Let us take a look.

  • Integral life practice: exercise the physical body, the subtle body (felt energies), and the causal body (resting). [Wilber, et al, 2008, Boston, MA: Integral]
    1. Mind”full”ness: learn to work with all three minds (conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious-spiritual-peak performance).
    2. Mindfulness-concentration and awareness meditation: paying attention, in the present moment, nonjudgementally. Offers one-pointed grounding and inspiration for ritual; and visibility of how one chooses to show-up via the personality, character, and mentality.
    3. Nurture self-restraint, a learned skill: the alternative response to two shots in a nearby pond and insanity.
  • Pre-shot routines.
  • Immaculate set-up: grip, aim, stance, posture, ball position, sense weight balance desired (irons, scoring wedges, pitching wedges: front leg; driver balanced), and turn neck-chin to trailing shoulder. Maintain width of arc.
  • Rituals to create personal teepee where, on every shot, the programmed subconscious is trusted: go to the breath; ground-center, elevate: two-three quick, deep breaths; and pull the trigger. Maintain width of arc.

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As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Let us start with the merged vision; and in subsequent BLOGs, candidate profiles will be offered peeking at talents, skills, and experiences; observations; and character, personality, mentality, and interests. Read More


As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision.
VISION Read More


The mission is quite clear: We the people need to save America’s democracy by voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, launching the strategic “battle for the soul of the nation.” This battle will begin to heal the deconstruction of the current administration and will inspire the dance of discovering, unfolding, and manifesting America’s uniqueness through a profound journey into the unknown. This trek demands trust, hope, faith, and awakening to radical freedom and to deep dimensions of embodied individuality, the unmanifest soul qualities of America’s natural world, heart, mind, and spirit. And this waltz into the unknown will be demanding, will not be easy, and will have challenges and opportunities. We may choose to resist it and miss a few steps; however, we will do the hard work. Imperative for this undertaking are strong leaders with exemplary leadership qualities who possess an impervious foundation of character, personality, and mentality that display peace-of-mind coupled with purpose and connections built on a foundation of compassion; published and walked core values, a code of ethics, guiding principles, and a track record of successes; a profound perspective and vision; an innate talent to accurately assess current reality; and an ability to build bipartisan coalitions who plan and strategize to evolve America’s soul qualities. Read More


A discovery has been that simplicity in golf can be uncovered on the other side of its human created complexity. Could it be simple? Let us take a look.

  • Integral life practice: exercise the physical body, the subtle body (felt energies), and the causal body (resting). [Wilber, et al, 2008, Boston, MA: Integral]
    1. Mind”full”ness: learn to work with all three minds (conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious-spiritual-peak performance).
    2. Mindfulness-concentration and awareness meditation: paying attention, in the present moment, nonjudgementally. Offers one-pointed grounding and inspiration for ritual; and visibility of how one chooses to show-up via the personality, character, and mentality.
    3. Nurture self-restraint, a learned skill: the alternative response to two shots in a nearby pond and insanity.
  • Pre-shot routines.
  • Immaculate set-up: grip, aim, stance, posture, ball position, sense weight balance desired (irons, scoring wedges, pitching wedges: front leg; driver balanced), and turn neck-chin to trailing shoulder. Maintain width of arc.
  • Rituals to create personal teepee where, on every shot, the programmed subconscious is trusted: go to the breath; ground-center, elevate: two-three quick, deep breaths; and pull the trigger. Maintain width of arc.
  • Takeaway: stable swing center, forward press to target synchronous with connected-whole body (arms, torso, and hips as one unit) and shoulder tilt, coiling against a stable right side with no hip sway away from target; and no hurry to transition point. Goal: optimum length of arc and maintain width of arc through entire swing.
  • Forward swing: stable swing center, shoulder tilt straightening right arm and flattening left wrist to square the clubface. Goal: maintain width of arc.
  • Solid impact of club with ball:
    1. Head behind ball.
    2. Knees and elbows toward each other.
    3. Right heel off ground.
    4. Right shoulder below left-shoulder tilt 36D, water draining from right ear.
    5. Left leg is resistance.
    6. Left foot on outside edge.
    7. Right knee is bending toward the left knee.
  • Have a good coach.

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