Posted on September 19, 2020
As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, contrasting the two candidates for President is interesting. It appears the critical decision is to vote for the candidate who can best move us closer to a created VISION-ALTERNATE REALITY for America: See 9-15-2020 BLOG.
How one chooses to “show-up” in the world can be critiqued by researching, examining, and witnessing talents, skills, and experiences; making observations; and scrutinizing character, personality, mentality, and interests. Let us take-a-look at President Donald J. Trump. (Resources list available with email to Read More
Posted on September 15, 2020
As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Let us start with the merged vision; and in subsequent BLOGs, candidate profiles will be offered peeking at talents, skills, and experiences; observations; and character, personality, mentality, and interests. Read More
Posted on September 14, 2020
As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Let us start with the merged vision; and in subsequent BLOGs, candidate profiles will be offered peeking at talents, skills, and experiences; observations; and character, personality, mentality, and interests. Read More
Posted on September 6, 2020
A discovery has been that simplicity in golf can be uncovered on the other side of its human created complexity. Could it be as simple as one through eight? Let us take a look.
Posted on September 5, 2020
As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Let us start with the merged vision; and in subsequent BLOGs, candidate profiles will be offered peeking at talents, skills, and experiences; observations; and character, personality, mentality, and interests. Read More
Posted on August 29, 2020
As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision.
VISION Read More
Posted on August 22, 2020
The mission is quite clear: We the people need to save America’s democracy by voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, launching the strategic “battle for the soul of the nation.” This battle will begin to heal the deconstruction of the current administration and will inspire the dance of discovering, unfolding, and manifesting America’s uniqueness through a profound journey into the unknown. This trek demands trust, hope, faith, and awakening to radical freedom and to deep dimensions of embodied individuality, the unmanifest soul qualities of America’s natural world, heart, mind, and spirit. And this waltz into the unknown will be demanding, will not be easy, and will have challenges and opportunities. We may choose to resist it and miss a few steps; however, we will do the hard work. Imperative for this undertaking are strong leaders with exemplary leadership qualities who possess an impervious foundation of character, personality, and mentality that display peace-of-mind coupled with purpose and connections built on a foundation of compassion; published and walked core values, a code of ethics, guiding principles, and a track record of successes; a profound perspective and vision; an innate talent to accurately assess current reality; and an ability to build bipartisan coalitions who plan and strategize to evolve America’s soul qualities. Read More
Posted on August 16, 2020
A discovery has been that simplicity in golf can be uncovered on the other side of its human created complexity. Could it be simple? Let us take a look.
Posted on August 9, 2020
This is a story about a forty-seven-year, self-awareness journey to uncover the what’s, how’s, and why’s of life’s behaviors: simply awareness of how one chooses to “show-up” in life via the personality, character, and mentality. “Once upon a time” of the trek started during a pre-meeting walk with a new boss in a state-of-the-art, two-piece aluminum can manufacturing plant in Golden, Colorado.
Grateful for four years at West Point; eight years in the Army, including promotions to Major, military decorations, and two years of combat during the Vietnam War; three civilian jobs; and a wife with a child on-the-way, it was good fortune to land a Purchasing Manager position (1973) with Coors Container Company. During a walk in the pounding can plant, the new boss commented that unless the author began to manage his stress, evolving life would be hectic. This comment unleashed a life-long challenge and opportunity to look under the rug and uncover the “stuff” that makes this human being tick. The first tee and green were to read I’m OK, You’re OK: Practical Guide to Self-Analysis (Thomas A. Harris, 1967, NY, NY: Harper Collins) and to attend (1974) an “I’m OK, You’re OK” seminar at the Mountain States Employers Council, Denver, Colorado. The unfolded curriculum vitae (plus approximately $80,000 for the awareness search) includes five educational degrees and 27 years of assorted corporate leadership positions; targeted academic courses and seminars; study abroad and retreats; club, committee, and panel participation; group memberships, workshops, and associations; teaching and public speaking endeavors; published books and unpublished papers; and the student journey of living, family, reading, piano, writing, golf, experiencing, seeing, and learning continues. Here are some discoveries: Read More
Posted on August 2, 2020
O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than their country loved,
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!
—Katherine Lee Bates & Samuel A. Ward, America the Beautiful
Where has America The Beautiful gone! Daily, we are witness to absolute, chaotic disaster! And more will unfold as each self-serving TWEET is offered. “Nobody likes me!” It is disgusting and maddening!! At the helm of the ship is the President, an untrusted, self-serving, party sorted, low functioning, sociopath who is racist and who is protected by political party sorted, power worldview associates of the Federal government institution and country he has been chosen to deconstruct and destroy. We must do better and begin the long trek back to America The Beautiful.
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea!
—Katherine Lee Bates & Samuel A. Ward, America the Beautiful
Some food for thought to help re-route the ship: Rachel Kleinfield and Aaron Sobel (USA Today, Friday, July 24, 2020, page 7A) offer, “7 ways to reduce political polarization: Destroying the other side cannot be our goal.” Read More