Posted on November 1, 2020
As election day nears-November 3, 2020; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President can bear fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us from current reality closer to the vision. Below is a merged vision:
Core Values and Guiding Principles
The Constitution is sacredly obligatory upon all. Our core values are truth to power, honesty, integrity, hope, love, and morality; and we put quality in all we are and all we do. We do not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those amongst us who do; and we respect law and order. We are committed to “walk the talk,” to action, and to the concept of 100% responsibility. We are objective, not self-serving, and make decisions in the best interests of The United States of America.
Leaders: have a track record of success and are trusted; have a history of compassion, loving-kindness, and building coalitions; understand that great leaders have been good followers and that leadership is an influence relationship that energizes earned power and willingness to achieve mutually defined goals; are master of the self, mind”full”ness, awareness, and integral life practice and model the way as persons, in relationships, socially, institutionally, and by helping others; have high standards with respect to morals, ethics, guiding principles, and core values that are plainly manifested in candidate’s personality, character, mentality, and magnetism; have learned self-restraint and 100% responsibility; are visibly committed to health, wellness, and well-being personally and for all Americans; are well-qualified, listen, inspire hope, have faith, are empathetic, and who know where the country is and what it needs; will be surrounded by exceptionally well-qualified associates; will diligently work to create and maintain a compelling worldview vision and action strategies and plans for the country; and will lead the development of policies and programs to evolve this country for all Americans.
Policies and Programs
Wow! That is a bunch of stuff to get done!! The task for each of us is selection of the candidate most qualified to get the job done for all Americans. VOTE!!
Posted on October 25, 2020
The golf course has been a wonderful place to learn about and practice the art and science of mastering the self; health, wellness and well-being; and mind”full”ness, awareness and self-restraint. The game’s gifts reminds of General Douglas MacArthur’s words, uttered in the context of West Point, Black Knights of the Hudson football: “Upon the fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that at other times and in other places, bear he fruits of victory.”
A recent journey, inspired by the golf instruction to trust the subconscious mind to swing the golf club, has been into the wonders and world of the subconscious mind. Little did I realize that the subconscious mind touches everything we think and do; that our character, personality, mentally and magnetism are expressions of the subconscious mind; and that we receive back the programming we have consciously or unconsciously offered to the subconscious. A frequent question has been: Why didn’t I learn about the subconscious mind in school? Two answers that have emerged are that folks want to control the evolution of the lives of others; and that awareness and understanding of the subconscious are subjective and not scientific. Consequently, as humans we wake up, grow up and show up through the conscious mind where only 10% of who we are exists. Unfortunately, we miss 90% of who we are.
Recent golf experiences with the power of harmony between the conscious and subconscious mind offers that trusting the subconscious to swing the club has resulted in playing golf that is the “funest” and “bestest” ever. The disposition and attitude about life and living are more positive, there is more patience, swing thoughts have become almost non-existent and health, wellness and well-being have moved to the front of each day with mantras. A nice mantra is “Every day in every respect, I am getting better and better.” (Emile Coue’) If your desire and will are fired up and you are ready to learn more about the subconscious, Christian D. Larson’s The Great Within might work for you. Have fun, trust the subconscious and hit ‘em high and straight…club through the ball to the target.
Posted on October 20, 2020
Have been reflecting on memorable golf course “brand” experiences over the years; and impression and guest service rise to the top of the heap of sensual brand attributes that create a residual, ego-mind thirst to return.
Impression: clean, well-maintained and fun place to be because it inspires a “feel good” sensation.
Guest service: guests are well taken care of by professional, experienced, courteous staff who pay attention to details that make sparkling, positive and lasting guest experiences.
A round of golf is a simple “slice of life” and a field of friendly strife where seeds are planted to bear fruits at future times and places. George Heard, a great golf partner and friend, always said on the first tee, “Golf is just a slice of heaven.” Simply embrace the challenge and opportunity for perfect response to life, or heaven on earth.
Posted on October 17, 2020
Have been reflecting on memorable golf course “brand” experiences over the years; and impression and guest service rise to the top of the heap of sensual brand attributes that create a residual, ego-mind thirst to return.
Impression: clean, well-maintained and fun place to be because it inspires a “feel good” sensation.
Guest service: guests are well taken care of by professional, experienced, courteous staff who pay attention to details that make sparkling, positive and lasting guest experiences.
A round of golf is a simple “slice of life” and a field of friendly strife where seeds are planted to bear fruits at future times and places. George Heard, a great golf partner and friend, always said on the first tee, “Golf is just a slice of heaven.” Simply embrace the challenge and opportunity for perfect response to life, or heaven on earth.
Posted on September 26, 2020
After a round of golf Sunday, Woody and Birdy Ball, golfer’s partners during the learning-reading journey through Golf as Guru: Mind”full”ness, Awareness and Self-Restraint, were enjoying 19th hole eats and drinks on the patio of the community golf club. The conversation evolved to a discussion of a vision for the club’s brand, strategies, and integral brand attributes. Interesting outcome…
BRAND Read More
Posted on September 19, 2020
As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, contrasting the two candidates for President is interesting. It appears the critical decision is to vote for the candidate who can best move us closer to a created VISION-ALTERNATE REALITY for America: See 9-15-2020 BLOG.
How one chooses to “show-up” in the world can be critiqued by researching, examining, and witnessing talents, skills, and experiences; making observations; and scrutinizing character, personality, mentality, and interests. Let us take-a-look at President Donald J. Trump. (Resources list available with email to Read More
Posted on September 15, 2020
As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Let us start with the merged vision; and in subsequent BLOGs, candidate profiles will be offered peeking at talents, skills, and experiences; observations; and character, personality, mentality, and interests. Read More
Posted on September 14, 2020
As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Let us start with the merged vision; and in subsequent BLOGs, candidate profiles will be offered peeking at talents, skills, and experiences; observations; and character, personality, mentality, and interests. Read More
Posted on September 6, 2020
A discovery has been that simplicity in golf can be uncovered on the other side of its human created complexity. Could it be as simple as one through eight? Let us take a look.
Posted on September 5, 2020
As the run-up to the November 2020 election unfolds; and as we witness the dark divide becoming wider, deeper, and darker, a merging of the Democratic and Republican convention planks into a common vision—an alternate reality—and contrasting the two candidates for President bears fruit. It appears the critical decision is to select the candidate who can best move us closer to the vision. Let us start with the merged vision; and in subsequent BLOGs, candidate profiles will be offered peeking at talents, skills, and experiences; observations; and character, personality, mentality, and interests. Read More