"I forgot my pants!"

It was February 1973. The new boss and I were walking in the Coors Container Company aluminum can manufacturing plant. As this good Army soldier had been instructed when walking with a superior, I was walking one step to the left and one step to the rear. Above the noise in the can plant, the boss adamantly motioned with his left hand and arm and beckoned, “Come-up here and walk beside me; and next week start a program to manage your stress!” This relaxation journey, intended to quiet the busy, perfectionist mind, remains a work-in-progress! The purpose of this blog is to share a recent “ah-ha” moment about this golfer’s pursuit of tools to manage the distraction and interference of the “inner roommate” on and off the golf course. Read More


A quick and dirty assessment of current reality offers that “We the people” have allowed politicians to abdicate responsibility for America’s democracy and to ignore a political revolution that led to the current, manifest consequence, “cold pricklies” administration. The painful results:  foundational core values, morals, codes of ethics and guiding principles are eroding; historic institutions are being deconstructed; and America has devolved from a democracy to a veiled aristocracy. Read More


A quick and dirty assessment of current reality offers that “We the people” have allowed politicians to abdicate responsibility for America’s democracy and to ignore a political revolution that led to the current, manifest consequence, “cold pricklies” administration. The painful results: foundational core values, morals, codes of ethics and guiding principles are eroding; historic institutions are being deconstructed; and America has devolved from a democracy to a veiled aristocracy. Read More


Our democracy is under institutional deconstruction and severe attack by an entertaining autocrat because the Republican Party and Republican political leaders have abdicated democracy’s gate keeping responsibility! As the 2020 Presidential Election unfolds it feels necessary to outline an image of the American “character” we are working to evolve. The desired result: to facilitate voting for a political leader who can lead our democratic Nation. Here is a “character” perspective… Read More


Today, the real crisis—national emergency—in these United States is the glaring absence of unifying, political leadership in the Office of the President, Congress and Senate. Our politics has evolved to be a circus of “entertainers” who are orchestrating a dirty, 2020 election duel of parties who have obvious inadequacies, partial truths and lack the perspectives to address the complex issues facing the world today. Republicans tend to be conservative, traditional, ethnocentric, egocentric and religious. Democrats usually are progressive, eccentric, egocentric, world centric and pluralistic. Read More


American partisan politics today reminds of a humongous, tarnished, sterling silver punch bowl that needs good leaders with gallons of good silver polish who are aware and understand the reality of partisan politics: it is a dangerous duel of limited and partial truths. Political parties have glaring inadequacies because they lack a vision with a broad perspective to address the complex issues facing us today. Republicans tend to be conservative, traditional, ethnocentric, egocentric-physical, emotional and mental-and religious. The party highlights an individual’s moral failings, poor decisions and lack of motivation as the central reasons behind many social problems. A typical response to homelessness: cut free government handouts which will require people to take responsibility for their lives and get back to work. Democrats usually are progressive, egocentric-physical, emotional and mental, worldcentric and pluralistic. They blame social ills on an unfair system and raise budgets for social welfare programs in order to create opportunities for those marginalized by an unjust economic system. Read More


Political headlines remind of little kids who are desperate for approval and have never been told that bragging is obnoxious; and that lying, cheating and using other people’s money for self-serving outcomes are not ethical and moral. Where are the political leaders and leadership? They have been replaced by actors, entertainment and showmanship. Read More


Evolution reveals that political party waves ebb and flow; and literature[1] offers that political institutions, systems and organizations show up as tribal. Concerning tribal, Ken Wilber[2] contends “…safety and security are sought by bonding together and identifying (fusing) with a tribe in order to persevere and protect against outsiders. Allegiance and admiration are given to the chief…for the well-being of the tribe.” Webster suggests tribal is “…following a particular path of policies more associated with a political party dogma rather than the general good of the country and all the people…the tribe you belong to is your party group. This especially is demonstrated by voting against the government just because they are not your party, however beneficial that policy might be for others.” Read More


As global guests we are in the midst of an interference blizzard—psychological overload of our very fragile human condition—because of scores of deliberate, unmanaged changes and manufactured messages that manifest as a sense of lost identity, confusion, chaos, infinite searching and loneliness that camouflage fear, anger and sadness. Some worldwide, current reality change symptoms are the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer; non-stop blaming, undermining, defending, accusing, distracting, taunting, attacking and discrediting; anxiety coupled with the absence of compassion and caring; post-truth; diversity is perceived as weakness; corruption, mass shootings, cheating and stealing; escalating stress and sexual, drug and alcohol abuse; deconstruction of government institutions; crumbling ethics, morals, values and principles; daily, media are attacked and are host to drama and self-absorption, etc. Thich Nhat Hanh remarks, Read More


From the perspective of an American patriot, combat veteran, corporate executive, spouse, father and grandpa: In November 2016 an American was elected to the Office of the President of the United States, the most powerful position in the world. Absent leadership; ethics, morals, values and principles; and clearly articulated strategic objectives, strategies and tactics for America’s unity, future and progressive evolution: Why would the President use position power to undermine and deconstruct the long-standing institutions of American democracy? It appears that for no other reason than to use other peoples’ money to protect the Trump brand; to market the Trump brand and attributes; to put money in Trump global bank accounts; and to nurture Donald Trump’s ego and narcissism. We need to vote!