Posted on December 16, 2019
In January 1973 the career path arrived at Coors Container Company, Golden, Colorado. This was the beginning of a 21-year journey that unfolded unlimited opportunities, challenges, travels, events, relationships, thrilling family transitions and the beginning of a 40 plus year self-awareness trek. One of the highlights that was introduced then, and is alive in the author today, was the genius of Bill Coors to be experienced in the Coors Wellness Process. Adolph Coors Company, “Our Values,” states, “These values can only be fulfilled by quality people dedicated to quality relationships within our company. We foster personal and professional growth and development…and encourage wellness in body, mind and spirit for all employees.” Read More
Posted on December 8, 2019
Ever since teeing up that first golf ball with Mom and Dad at the age of seven, golf has been a patient life coach; and as the years have sped by, the sport continues to coach and counsel. Recent experiences have offered that if open and psychologically ready for the infinite messages, “simple” in golf and life can be discovered beyond sport and life’s complexities.
As humans, Christian Larson’s (The Great Within) message is clear: we are reflections—thinking, personality and character—of the language we live-in. As Abel Leighton Allen contends, “Our todays are the result of our past thinking, our tomorrows the result of our present thinking. We have been our mental parents, and we shall be our own mental children.” How would Woody and Birdy Ball, Golf as Guru, use this taste of philosophy on every shot or putting stroke on the golf course? “Too complicated for us: Just learn to program and trust the subconscious to hit the #$@% golf ball to an intended target.” Read More
Posted on December 1, 2019
Why write Golf as Guru: Mindfullness, Awareness and Self-Restraint? WOW! What a learning journey golf has opened for a student of the game and sport of golf, all the way from growing up in Northwestern Ohio playing golf with Mom and Dad, circling the globe and arriving here in Arizona continuing to play golf, year-round with my wonderful wife of almost 50 years. As the title and subtitle offer, the sport of golf has been a great coach and teacher; has evolved a concept of mind”full”ness; has breathed a peek at how awareness really differentiates professional golfers from average golfers; and has been a mighty fine instructor when it comes to the learned skill of self-restraint. It really is fantastic to remain sane after two shots in the lake to the right of the fairway! Everything is OK the way it is! Read More
Posted on November 24, 2019
The mind is a remarkable gift; however, a single, errant golf ball in the pond on the right of the fairway can rapidly orchestrate a disruptive, conscious mind ramble of swing thoughts. As Voltaire reminds, “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” Perhaps trusting the subconscious mind can enable us to avoid two errant shots from insanity. Let’s peek at a recent journey into the subconscious mind and the opening of a new area for awareness: the part of our mind where 90% of life’s experiences reside. Read More
Posted on September 18, 2019
It was February 1973. The new boss and I were walking in the Coors Container Company aluminum can manufacturing plant. As this good Army soldier had been instructed when walking with a superior, I was walking one step to the left and one step to the rear. Above the noise in the can plant, the boss adamantly motioned with his left hand and arm and beckoned, “Come-up here and walk beside me; and next week start a program to manage your stress!” This relaxation journey, intended to quiet the busy, perfectionist mind, remains a work-in-progress! The purpose of this blog is to share a recent “ah-ha” moment about this golfer’s pursuit of tools to manage the distraction and interference of the “inner roommate” on and off the golf course. Read More
Posted on August 4, 2019
A quick and dirty assessment of current reality offers that “We the people” have allowed politicians to abdicate responsibility for America’s democracy and to ignore a political revolution that led to the current, manifest consequence, “cold pricklies” administration. The painful results: foundational core values, morals, codes of ethics and guiding principles are eroding; historic institutions are being deconstructed; and America has devolved from a democracy to a veiled aristocracy. Read More
Posted on August 4, 2019
A quick and dirty assessment of current reality offers that “We the people” have allowed politicians to abdicate responsibility for America’s democracy and to ignore a political revolution that led to the current, manifest consequence, “cold pricklies” administration. The painful results: foundational core values, morals, codes of ethics and guiding principles are eroding; historic institutions are being deconstructed; and America has devolved from a democracy to a veiled aristocracy. Read More
Posted on May 4, 2019
Our democracy is under institutional deconstruction and severe attack by an entertaining autocrat because the Republican Party and Republican political leaders have abdicated democracy’s gate keeping responsibility! As the 2020 Presidential Election unfolds it feels necessary to outline an image of the American “character” we are working to evolve. The desired result: to facilitate voting for a political leader who can lead our democratic Nation. Here is a “character” perspective… Read More
Posted on April 9, 2019
Today, the real crisis—national emergency—in these United States is the glaring absence of unifying, political leadership in the Office of the President, Congress and Senate. Our politics has evolved to be a circus of “entertainers” who are orchestrating a dirty, 2020 election duel of parties who have obvious inadequacies, partial truths and lack the perspectives to address the complex issues facing the world today. Republicans tend to be conservative, traditional, ethnocentric, egocentric and religious. Democrats usually are progressive, eccentric, egocentric, world centric and pluralistic. Read More