People today are like gardeners who look sadly at ruined saplings and shake their heads, saying the seeds must have been bad to start with, not realizing that the seed was all right, but that their method of cultivation was wrong. They go on their mistaken way, ruining plant after plant. It is imperative that the human race escape from this vicious circle. The sooner people realize their mistake, the better. The more the situation is changed, the nearer the human race will come to happiness. [Suzuki, S. (2013). Nurtured Love: The Classic Approach to Talent Education, 106]
 It was August 18, 2018: an LA Fitness bike was the distraction and the personality—ego mind—was sad. Quite simply, reflections about Andrew Cohen’s “freedom” genius were life changing: surrender, let go, stop searching. Here’s the story. Read More


People today are like gardeners who look sadly at ruined saplings and shake their heads, saying the seeds must have been bad to start with, not realizing that the seed was all right, but that their method of cultivation was wrong. They go on their mistaken way, ruining plant after plant. It is imperative that the human race escape from this vicious circle. The sooner people realize their mistake, the better. The more the situation is changed, the nearer the human race will come to happiness. [Suzuki, S. (2013). Nurtured Love: The Classic Approach to Talent Education, 106]
 It was August 18, 2018: an LA Fitness bike was the distraction and the personality—ego mind—was sad. Quite simply, reflections about Andrew Cohen’s “freedom” genius were life changing: surrender, let go, stop searching. Here’s the story. Read More


Have been reflecting on memorable golf course “brand” experiences over the years; and impression and guest service rise to the top of the heap of sensual brand attributes that create a residual, ego-mind thirst to return.
Impression: clean, well-maintained and fun place to be because it inspires a “feel good” sensation. Read More


Overwhelming is the evidence that perception management campaigns have been unleashed to dismantle international democracies and associated governmental institutions. The headlines offer a peek at some of the strategies: directed mass and social media efforts to discredit and dismantle; deliberate, vindictive attacks of mass media; election interference; politically inspired chaos, violence, distractions and divisiveness; loss of truth to power; deception, fake news and lies; emergence of fringe political organizations; and undermining international coalitions. An analytical glance establishes the least common denominator to be nothing more than a manifestation of our individual and collective human condition. Consequently, we need to have leaders who are students of the human condition and leadership and who have a track record of leadership successes with measureable accountabilities. Read More


The President, his associates and Russia are deliberately chipping away at America’s long standing, democratic pillars: form of government; respect for the law; rich mix of ethnicities and nationalities; freedoms—free and independent press and religious practice; the intelligence community; and leadership built on a foundation of solid ethics, morals, values and principles.
Daily deception, incompetence and lies certainly undermine the traditional values of this country; and are certainly indicative of a President and associates who twist and distort the truth for personal benefit and financial rewards for personal wealth building. An environment of no leadership and deepening political warfare shine light on political gain in lieu of ethical-moral responsibility, objectivity and service to Americans served. James Comey, former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, captures the reality of today’s America quite well: Read More


America has a President and associates who are unraveling our democracy’s pillars and dismantling long standing leadership, ethics, morals, values and principles—living on the dark side of the law. Quality leadership is an earned, trust based, influence relationship between the leader, other leaders and followers who intend ethical and moral changes that mirror common purpose. Today’s chaos and confusion are certainly indicative of no leadership, an antidemocratic, undisciplined President and deepening political warfare that shine light on political gain in lieu of ethical-moral responsibility. James Comey, former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, captures the reality of today’s America quite well: Read More


Reading and managing a golf ball’s flight through manipulation of golf swing principles is an interesting challenge and learning opportunity for every golfer. John Jacobs, Practical Golf, offers, “The only purpose of a golf swing is to move the club through the ball square to the target at maximum speed.” Read More


The March 16, 2018 blog chatted about green reading fundamentals drawn from the research and genius offered in Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible. At the time a commitment was made to share a blog about Pre-shot Routine and Ritual, including relaxed concentration experiences.
Pre-shot Routine[1]
After the distance of the putt has been determined and green reading is complete, the inspiration to drain the putt emerges and it is time to begin the Pre-shot Routine (20 seconds). Read More


Green reading has always been somewhat of a puzzle during 70 plus years of playing golf. It occurred a few weeks ago that perhaps the time was right to re-read, nurture the awareness, and understand Dave Pelz’s research and instruction about green reading in Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible. The information that follows was drawn from a green reading journey mapped by the Putting Bible that details how and what to do to drain more putts. Read More


Green reading has always been somewhat of a puzzle during 70 plus years of playing golf. It occurred a few weeks ago that perhaps the time was right to re-read, nurture the awareness, and understand Dave Pelz’s research and instruction about green reading in Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible (2000, New York, NY: Doubleday). The information that follows was drawn from a green reading journey mapped by the Putting Bible that details how and what to do to drain more putts. Read More