America has a President and associates who are unraveling our democracy’s pillars and dismantling long standing leadership, ethics, morals, values and principles—living on the dark side of the law. Quality leadership is an earned, trust based, influence relationship between the leader, other leaders and followers who intend ethical and moral changes that mirror common purpose. Today’s chaos and confusion are certainly indicative of no leadership, an antidemocratic, undisciplined President and deepening political warfare that shine light on political gain in lieu of ethical-moral responsibility. James Comey, former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, captures the reality of today’s America quite well: Read More


Reading and managing a golf ball’s flight through manipulation of golf swing principles is an interesting challenge and learning opportunity for every golfer. John Jacobs, Practical Golf, offers, “The only purpose of a golf swing is to move the club through the ball square to the target at maximum speed.” Read More


The March 16, 2018 blog chatted about green reading fundamentals drawn from the research and genius offered in Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible. At the time a commitment was made to share a blog about Pre-shot Routine and Ritual, including relaxed concentration experiences.
Pre-shot Routine[1]
After the distance of the putt has been determined and green reading is complete, the inspiration to drain the putt emerges and it is time to begin the Pre-shot Routine (20 seconds). Read More


Green reading has always been somewhat of a puzzle during 70 plus years of playing golf. It occurred a few weeks ago that perhaps the time was right to re-read, nurture the awareness, and understand Dave Pelz’s research and instruction about green reading in Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible. The information that follows was drawn from a green reading journey mapped by the Putting Bible that details how and what to do to drain more putts. Read More


Green reading has always been somewhat of a puzzle during 70 plus years of playing golf. It occurred a few weeks ago that perhaps the time was right to re-read, nurture the awareness, and understand Dave Pelz’s research and instruction about green reading in Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible (2000, New York, NY: Doubleday). The information that follows was drawn from a green reading journey mapped by the Putting Bible that details how and what to do to drain more putts. Read More


America has a President and associates who are unraveling our democracy’s institutions; dismantling long standing norms; and enabling Russia’s strategy to deconstruct democratic countries around the globe. How did this happen?
The least common denominator is fifty plus years of deliberate political party polarization that opened the doors to the current administration and continued political warfare through use of institutional systems deconstruction—White House, Senate, House, Judicial and Intelligence—and associated chaos and confusion as weapons. The evolving, escalating political party differences and resentment, including religious and racial divisiveness, is fueled by crumbling, self-serving, senior party leadership who have relinquished tolerance, institutional forbearance, ethics and morals. Read More


The purpose of this essay is to shine light on Ken Wilber’s “widespread global disaster” of aperspectival madness”-no vision, completely lost, without compass and without worldview. Drawing on Ken Wilber’s work, this offering will briefly unpack current reality, share a vision and make concluding comments. Read More


Golf this past few times has been different; and the difference has been the presence of a simple goal on every shot: “save a putt” by either placing the ball on the green in regulation, within 2-6 feet of the pin; or get up and down to save par. Missing for some seventy years of golf, this simple goal for each shot has given direction and impetus to each shot and the game. The result: the handicap is lower and the game is more fun!!
Goals are nothing more than direction finders for the will; and the major will skill learned in this situation is that goal simplicity and clarity are imperative to enable consistent emergence of quality relaxed concentration. When goals are simple, clear and focused, the potential for interference is minimized, reserves of energy and strength become available for the task at hand and concentration can be sustained for each shot. Enjoy, learn, perform and have fun!!!!


How fit are leaders?
Leadership is an earned, trust based, influence relationship between the respective leader, other leaders and followers who intend ethical changes that mirror their common purpose. Unfortunately, amidst chaos created by aroused emotions and divisiveness, it is difficult to “simply notice” essential leadership competencies as follows: Read More


authorHow fit are government leaders? A global worldview offers that world leaders have significant challenges. Unfortunately, amidst the chaos, confusion and delusion created by aroused emotions, blaming, justifying, judgments, excuses and prejudices, it is quite difficult to relax, reflect, focus and simply notice the leadership qualities the conscious evolution of this great Nation requires. A perspective is that today’s challenges and opportunities demand integrally fit leaders who are physically healthy, emotionally balanced, mentally clear and spiritually awake; who are morally solid persons; and who have the background, experience, interests, talents and skills to consciously evolve this Nation for generations to come. Essential leadership competencies for the challenging government assignments are as follows:
TRACK RECORD of LEADERSHIP: Leadership is an earned, trust based, influence relationship between the respective leader, other leaders and followers who intend ethical changes that mirror their common purpose. Read More