Posted on June 15, 2024
Evolution reveals that political party waves ebb and flow; and literature (Boot, M.,2018, The Corrosion of Conservatism: Why I Left the Right. NY, NY: Liveright) offers that political institutions, systems and organizations show up as tribal. Concerning tribal, Ken Wilber (Wilber, K., 2008, Integral Life Practice. Boston, MA: Integral) contends “…safety and security are sought by bonding together and identifying (fusing) with a tribe to persevere and protect against outsiders. Allegiance and admiration are given to the chief…for the well-being of the tribe.” Webster suggests tribal is “…following a particular path of policies more associated with a political party dogma rather than the general good of the country and all the people…the tribe you belong to is your party group. This especially is demonstrated by voting against the government just because they are not your party, however beneficial that policy might be for others.”
A recent mid-term election process saw whites without a college degree vote right and white college diploma folks were propelled to the left; 18–29-year-olds supported the left; women voted for the left and the most significant swing to the left was among college-educated suburban women; and ousted left candidates came from more rural states while the left flipped seats in suburbs and in some of the rightest states. As we move forward, tribal divisions will remain on display and become deeper with some attributes as follows: leadership incompetence; absence of vision, ethics, morals, values and principles; self-enhancing, opportunist and not objective; power at all cost; lack of courage and consistency; a dearth of leaders who unify, transcend and include; experience of discrimination, harassment and violence by women and people of color; and a President who exhibits no respect for the Office of the President of the United States, the most powerful position in the world. How can sane, American democracy-life, liberty and pursuit of happiness-be restored?
We have a great deal of “waking up” and “growing up” to do to realize the unalienable rights of all Americans to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The best defense is a good offense; and a good offense demands leaders who have a track record of success closing with, unifying, transcending and including tribal institutions, businesses, organizations and systems. A good leader’s brand: leadership is a trust-based relationship between the respective leader and among leaders and followers who intend ethical and moral changes and transitions that mirror common purposes. Attributes of these leaders are as follows:
Values: Trust and trusted; integrity; direct; open; honest; caring; compassionate; moral; joy; hope; and peace-of-mind.
Principles: Does not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do. Objective, not self-serving and acts in the best interests of the people and institution being served. Committed to the concept of 100% responsibility: life happens because of me and not to me. Does not blame others, learns from one’s own experiences in an intentional and self-directed manner and applies that learning to new challenges. Sets a good example for physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, spiritual awakening, ethical behavior and integration of hidden, denied and repressed subconscious aspects of the finite Self reflected or projected in the world.
Individuals, cultures, shared values, relationships, leaders and leadership matter. If democracy is to prevail, good leaders must be selected and held accountable for high quality leadership!! The evolution imperative of unity and wholeness and an inspired, growing awareness of the human condition, coupled with helping others, can change the daily headlines from an underlying sense of fear, anger, sadness and domination to love, appreciation, care, compassion and freedom. Yes! Leaders can be selected and held accountable to create a vibrant civil society where people are free, live as they choose, speak their minds, organize peacefully and have a say in how they are governed.
Posted on June 8, 2024
A VISION of the American “character” we are working to evolve…
Let’s select leaders who will create teams and partnerships to close the gaps between our current disheveled, polarized reality and an America with the “character” of a long-treasured vision!
Posted on May 25, 2024
The purpose of this essay is to shine light on Ken Wilber’s “widespread global disaster” of “aperspectival madness”—no vision, completely lost, without compass and without worldview. Drawing on Ken Wilber’s work, this offering will briefly unpack current reality, share a vision, make concluding comments, and offer some reading resources.
Home grown terrorists, divisiveness, fascists, fake news, alternative facts, lies, racism, white supremacists, partial truths, chaos, war, the threat of nuclear war, bullying, violence, hate crimes, dominant hierarchies, blaming, post truth world, cheating, stealing and tolerance for those who lie, cheat and steal—these are words drawn from media that give identity to fundamentalists, scientists, fascists, white supremacists, and modernists. An analytical glance establishes the least common denominator to be culture wars characterized by negative judgments and aperspectival madness. Ken Wilber comments, “We are in an orgy seeking egoic rights with no responsibilities.”
Global cultures are on the leading edge of evolution and are unfolding world-wide, heartfelt consciousness, heart-mind-emotional coherence, ethics, and wholeness. Societies are waking-up, cleaning-up, growing-up, showing-up, transcending and including. Collective awareness, understanding and commitment include the following:
It has been an emotional roller-coaster studying, perking, and sitting with Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory. Sadness emerges while rolling with the chaos, the violence, the blaming, the bullying, the divisiveness, embarrassment of the country and possible self-dissolution. Excitement and inspiration bubble while rolling with optimism and hope for progressive evolution, education, leadership, development and sparkling global cultures. Cultures can genuinely evolve world centric views and wholeness and become quality in all they are and all they do. This evolution emerges as each of us takes one step at a time to be present, tidy-up, blossom and simply notice: just Human Being 101. Doc Childre offers,
To improve our society and our world, we have to go back to the family, where core heart values that make up a world worth living in are meant to be developed and nurtured. If our families are unable to fulfill this role, then our schools, churches, hospitals, businesses, and community service organizations must; it’s not a question of should. Unless people step in to fulfill the heart-centered nurturing role, we abandon hope of providing a secure foundation for our social future. (The HeartMath Solution, 238)
Posted on May 19, 2024
“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble.” (Y. Berg) Persons who control the message of words have tremendous power over others.
As the 2024 election unfolds, we have choices to make about leaders and leadership for America for Americans. More than likely choices will be based on words. Will choices be based on words of encouragement or words of despair?
Words that today monopolize media…lies, deception, spins, obstruction, abuse, human scum, traitors, chaos, entertainment, corruption, use other people’s money, kleptocracy, dynasty, autocracy, racism, above the law, divisiveness, partisan, war, fascism, automatic weapons, bombs and bullets, street shootings, smoke and mirrors, corruption, contempt, fear, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cult, tribal, business failings, partisan vulgarity, broken promises, scandals, low character, bad judgement, failed policies, dereliction of duty, cover-ups, low intellect, disruption, conflict, deconstruction, selfish, narcissist, demagogue, cruel, fraud, short-sighted, failure to honor oath of office, et al.
The opposite spectrum of powerful words…prosperity, security, facts, truth, order, respect, harmony, poise, receptivity, positiveness, team effort, teamwork, caring, compassion, virtues, common good, guardians, self-mastery, integral life practice, health, non-partisan, wellness and well-being, mindfulness, awareness, helping, self-restraint, values, equality, fairness, globally respected, quality, guiding principles, ethics, peace, clean air, non-partisan, value in diversity, safe schools, no debt, sincerity, trustworthy, believable, passionate, disciplined, generosity, wise, direct, open, nice, 100% responsibility, apology, loving-kindness, patient, tolerant, compassionate, humanness, beautiful, smiling, integrity, honesty, et al.
Words are powerful and the paradox of choice is clear: an America for Americans that is inspiring and visionary for generations to come—love, hope, happiness, peace-of-mind, purpose, common good, and connections created on a foundation of compassion and good; or an America for Americans that is evil and dictatorial for generations to come—pay-back, fear, hate, vindictive, intimidation, economic insecurity and decay, and global disrespect. Christian D. Larson offers, “So long as we continue to resist or deny evil, we will think about evil, and so long as we think about evil, evil will be impressed upon the subconscious, that the subconscious will reproduce and bring forth into personal life.” When there is only one power which decides who is right and who is wrong, and who should be punished and who not, we have a form of…dictatorship. (James Heiser)
Yes! We have choices to make about leaders and leadership for America for Americans. Let’s make choices based on words of encouragement for evolution of consciousness and culture of America for Americans and evolve with the hearts and minds in coherence.
Posted on May 12, 2024
Today, the real crisis—national emergency—in these United States is the glaring absence of unifying, political leadership. Our politics has evolved to be a circus of “entertainers” who are orchestrating a dirty, 2024 election duel of parties who have obvious inadequacies, partial truths and lack the perspectives to address the complex issues facing the world today.
The recycling crisis of the absence of unifying, political leadership and limited perspectives offers the opportunity to study, reflect and itemize policies of particular interest to us; and to choose unifying political leaders who are ethical and moral, are guided by core values and guiding principles and have a track record of leadership successes through team play. We need leaders who listen to differences, who can transcend and include differences; and can unify diverse strengths. We need politicians who will facilitate hope for this great country, put us back on the track, and restore the brightness, sparkle and shine of our democracy.
Seven key brand attributes to look for in candidates who are marketing qualities for elections are as follows:
In Integral Life Practice Wilber et al offer, “People born with beauty, privilege, wealth, and fame sometimes make poor use of all of their advantages, diminishing themselves and those around them.” As Americans, we can select good political leaders who transcend and include, appreciate the strengths found in diversity and can lead efforts to restore the global shine and sparkle to our painfully evolving nation and world. Some glaring policy needs: 1) respect for the role of the media who need to be objective, not self-serving and held accountable for delivering messages that are in the best interests of Americans; 2) infrastructure maintenance and evolution for tomorrow’s needs; 3) comprehensive reform of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and reined in healthcare costs; 4) comprehensive immigration reform; 5) foreign policy that strengthens alliances around the world; 6) simple, equitable tax system; 7) sound economy, balanced budget and sane trade policies; 8) stop the scourge of the opioid crisis; 9) tough, finely tuned, well-trained military, space forces and artificial intelligence resources; and 10) comprehensive environmental programs. Let’s do our homework and cast votes for political leaders who are objective, not self-serving and make decisions that are in the best interests of an America for Americans.
Posted on May 4, 2024
A quick and dirty assessment of current reality offers that “We the people” have allowed politicians to abdicate responsibility for America’s democracy, and have most likely ignored a political revolution that has led to the current, manifest consequence, “cold pricklies,” non-functional government entities. The painful results: foundational core values, morals, codes of ethics, and guiding principles are eroding; historic institutions have been and are being deconstructed; and America has devolved from a democracy to a veiled aristocracy.
As the 2024 election nears, “We the people” have work to do to facilitate the election of leaders who inspire, rally, offer hope, and energize folks to climb aboard the American train and actively participate in the evolution of a desired American global character, one step at a time. A nice place to start is to create a vision, of a desired future state. Here are some ideas.
We are now able to develop policy strategies, followed by detailed planning of goals, objectives and action plans, that move us from current reality toward the vision. A few policy strategies might include election security, comprehensive immigration reform, affordable healthcare, free education and leading edge curricula reform, foreign relations, environmental control, taxation, economy, tariffs, financial viability, media and judicial system and processes. Let’s move from a current reality of “cold pricklies” to a desired future state of “warm fuzzies” for all Americans.
Posted on May 1, 2024
Reading and managing a golf ball’s flight through manipulation of golf swing principles is an interesting challenge and learning opportunity for every golfer. John Jacobs, Practical Golf, offers, “The only purpose of a golf swing is to move the club through the ball square to the target at maximum speed.”
There are five ball flight laws that control a golf ball’s flight: clubface angle, clubface path, the angle of the club’s approach to the ball, the centeredness of impact of the ball with the clubface and the speed of the clubface at impact. The two primary variables that control ball flight direction are clubface angle and clubface path. Clubface angle at impact controls 85% of golf ball flight and 15% of golf ball flight is controlled by clubface path at impact. This offers a clear message: if the desire is to control ball flight, work on managing clubface angle first.
Clubface path at impact, the initial ball flight direction, can be inside-out, straight or outside-in to the ball-target line. Clubface angle at impact, the secondary ball flight direction, can be closed, square or open to the ball-target line. Together, clubface angle and clubface path result in nine different ball flights for right-handed golfers that can be read and managed:
Grip[1], aim[2], position[3], swing plane[4] and release[5] are the primary principles (main causes) that can be used to manage clubface angle and clubface path. The only missing ingredient is time on the range hitting balls to learn to read ball flight and experiment with and manage the club-ball impact variables. Jack Nicklaus, Golf My Way, contends, “Whatever any golfer does with a golf club should have only one purpose: to produce correct impact of club on ball.” Have fun, hit’em high and straight!
[1] The placement of the hands on the club: positioning the palms, fingers and thumbs to allow a fluid motion during the swing.
[2] The combination of alignments of the clubface and body in relation to the target.
[3] The relationship of the back of the leading hand and the forearm: flat, cupped or arched-bowed.
[4] The tilt and direction of travel of the inclined plane that is made by the shaft of the club as it moves through the backswing and the downswing.
[5] The movement of the body that returns the clubface to a square position at impact in the forward swing, freeing potential energy in the moving clubhead.
Posted on April 20, 2024
Let us take out our binoculars and peer down the road, and simply be objective, not self-serving and visualize what would be good for America today and for future generations. America is at a crossroads, a fulcrum, a tipping point, between a democratic republic—freedom—and autocracy—control. As Americans, we each need to decide what type of country we desire; and what each of us can do to facilitate the strategic, competitive, common-sense battle with our principle global competitor, China. Some folks will pitch-in and make things happen; some folks will watch what happened; and some folks will wonder what happened.
In the hyperpolarized environment there are a bunch of tasks that need to get done: non-political voting rights management, technology building, inflation management, infrastructure maintenance and improvement, jobs creation, healthcare, childcare, immigration reform, countering systemic racism, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, minimum wage, climate control, confronting home grown, white supremacy, terrorism, fair share tax reform, sanely evolving through pandemics and preparing for future pandemics, education re-tuning and funding, sane gun control, policing in communities, foreign policy, et al. As the two Japanese characters for crisis offer, with danger comes opportunity. The danger is continued and expanded division and autocracy…control; and the opportunity is to work on our unhealthy personal and collective issues, participate in interactive dialogue and coalitions, and get done what is good for all Americans…freedom.
An opinion is that cultic-tribal addiction—political party sorting—is simply unresolved discomfort within the emotional body, the unhealthy self, or as offered in Integral Life Practice: A 21st Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening (Wilber, Patten, Leonard, and Morelli, 2008, Boston, MA: Integral, page 41, 92-93),
…the shadow or dark side of the psyche, those aspects of ourselves that we’ve split off, rejected, denied, hidden from ourselves, projected onto others, or otherwise disowned…repressed unconscious…because we’ve pushed or pressed it out of our awareness, and unconscious because we are not aware of it…But the fact that we are not conscious or aware of the shadow does not mean that it has no effect: it just expresses itself through distorted and unhealthy means-or what is typically called neuroses…safety and security are sought by bonding together and identifying (fusing) with a tribe in order to persevere and protect against outsiders. Allegiance and admiration are given to the chief…emergence of a sense of self (ego) distinct from the tribe, although it often acts impulsively on behalf of its favored group.
Undoing and reintegrating this repressed and denied unconscious to improve our psychological health is process and is not easy; however, the work can free energy that has been spent shadowboxing with the self, making excuses, spinning, blaming, and telling stories. An initial step is simply a sense of openness and a commitment to face everything and fear nothing, just sit in the flames of the unresolved discomfort and give birth to penetrating insight and skillful means. We are simply witnessing the evolution of the human condition, and with patience, persistence, education, compassion, learning, and spirituality, we can move forward together, not further divided, and closer to autocracy, more lying, zero leadership, an orchestrated overthrow of elections, bypass of constitutional order, accelerated division and violence, racism and white supremacy, direction of a violent insurrection, and committed students of Vladmir Putin and his Ukraine disaster. Individually and collectively, we can grow common good, compassion, virtue, mindfulness, awareness, virtue, and self-restraint, and quiet the insatiable, unhealthy ego; and the dampening of anger, egotistical pride, jealousy, envy, doubt, ignorance, attachment, and fear can begin to free energy to nurture peace-of-mind and a sense of happiness and joy. Let us get this job done for all Americans, not just a select, partisan few. Casts, conflicting political messages, and deliberate, negative words that separate, attack, and divide are simply wrong. If open to the challenge, ready for the opportunity, and in need of a boost to get started: 1) In her Mindfulness Journal, Catherine Price recommends, Buy a pack of small stickers—any kind will do—and place a dozen or so around your home and office in noticeable places, such as your bathroom mirror, your computer, the back of your phone, the wall behind your kitchen sink, your alarm clock, or the cover of (your) journal. Every time you see one of these stickers, STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, BREATHE, AND BE. 2) Locate a credible meditation instructor, learn to meditate, uncover the silent watcher, and resolve to create self-restraint. 3) Three questions for reflection: What unlocks compassion? What manifests happiness, joy, and peace-of-mind? Can vulnerability, openness, and honesty be healing?
There are no regrets in life, just lessons! Today, it feels like the country is regressing. The country needs to evolve.
Posted on April 13, 2024
Anais Nin expresses the experience beautifully, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” (Dr. Susan M. Johnson, Hold Me Tight, 153.) Maybe! And an obvious question: What do these words have to do with anything?
The simple answer: Take off the presented Self mask, the culturally created, fear bound, in the bud, “should be,” and simply blossom by being authentic, open, honest, and vulnerable. Let’s peek at recent headlines.
Ukraine-Russia War, Israeli-Hamas War, fraud, daily polarized, hatred circus of unfolding 2024 Presidential Election, voter suppression, corruption, violence, and deconstruction of federal court system. A helicopter view offers that the least common denominator is emotional sickness from an overwhelming dose of “Demon Dialogues” (“separation distress,” relationship storms, love starvation) (Dr. Susan M. Johnson, Hold Me Tight, 45, 48) Quite simply, we have lost sight of the fact that the need for love is in the human genes and is not about bargains, reasoning, and deals about profit and loss. It is sane, conscious, emotional responses and mutually satisfying experiences in a partnership. The perception is that one becomes so addicted to the Demon Dialogue loop, pattern, habit, that it becomes impossible to see the forest for the trees, be vulnerable, open, honest, and simply share our human love needs, just blossom as life was meant to be.
Several years ago, it was a great deal of fun to create a blossoming lotus tattoo for the back of the right hand. The inspiration was a shared legend about 10,000-year-old lotus flower seeds. They shelter and lie dormant at the bottom of the swamp, eventually begin to geminate, grow through the thick and thin muck of the swamp, and eventually emerge and blossom for the world to see and admire, sparking beauty. Yes, simply modeling the gift of human life unless for some reason one becomes derailed, distracted, confused, culturally groomed, brainwashed, and unable to blossom. I call it stuck in the swamp’s misery loop.
On the heels of six months of energy psychology, deep inner digging work with an energy psychology coach, it has been humbling and awakening to evolve to the work of Dr. Susan M. Johnson (Attachment Theory in Practice). Her work offers that our journey is inside out as opposed to the culture dictates of outside in. The inside out journey is to have conscious experience of the dance of emotion (anger, fear, attachment, egotistical pride, jealousy, envy, shame, shock, etc.) and attachment style to “music,” 1) targeting for a shift of emotional music to decrease the “Demon Dialogues” and simply be open, honest, and vulnerable and love the Self and one’s chosen partners in life; and 2) confronting perceived attachment style threats to unfold love for the Self and chosen partners. The goal is to have the music, the dance, and the dancers become one, just cannot tell the dance from the dancers. As Anais Nin offers, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” (Dr. Susan M. Johnson, Hold Me Tight, 153.) We just need to move through the swamp, wake up, look around, take a helicopter ride, and look around. Peace-of -mind and a foundation of compassion for purpose and connections are a few deep breaths away. Eventually, the compassion scab comes off and we become one with the suffering of others. Quality, common good, authenticity, and virtue can certainly become a blossoming way of life. Staying in the bud is not a fun, joyful way to live this wonderful gift of life. Stressful, too…and the body keeps the score. And boy is it ever difficult to be open, honest, vulnerable, and bare the soul. And tears may come as love needs are uncovered and shared!
Posted on April 6, 2024
The Ukraine-Russia War, the Israel-Hamas War, the daily polarized, hatred circus of the unfolding 2024 Presidential Election, voter suppression in an historically respected democratic republic, corruption, violence, and deconstruction of a federal court system, these have been just a few of the recent headlines. A helicopter glance offers that the least common denominator is that we are suffering from an overwhelming dose of “Demon Dialogues” (“separation distress,” relationship storms) (Dr. Susan M. Johnson, Hold Me Tight, 45, 48) Quite simply, in this combat veteran’s words, we have lost sight of the fact that the need for love is in the human genes and is not about bargains, reasoning, and deals about profit and loss. It is sane, conscious, emotional responses and mutually satisfying experiences in a partnership. The perception is that one becomes so addicted to the Demon Dialogue loop, pattern, that it becomes impossible to see the forest for the trees, be vulnerable, and reach for our human love needs satisfaction.
On the heels of six months of energy psychology, deep inner digging work with an energy psychology coach, it has been humbling and awakening to evolve to the work of Dr. Susan M. Johnson (Attachment Theory in Practice). In the words of an Infantry soldier her work offers that our journey is inside out as opposed to the culture dictates of outside in. The inside out journey is to have conscious experience of the dance of emotion (anger, fear, attachment, egotistical pride, jealousy, envy, shame, shock, etc.) and attachment style to “music,” 1) targeting for a shift of emotional music to decrease the “Demon Dialogues” and simply be open, honest, and vulnerable and love the Self and one’s chosen partners in life; and 2) confronting perceived attachment style threats to unfold love for the Self and chosen partners. The goal is to have the music, the dance, and the dancers become one, just cannot tell the dance from the dancers. Concerning attachment theory, Dr. Johnson offers,
Not being alone is simply in our human genes! With proper, sane, human attention, it feels like we can turn these cultural Demon Dialogues around and motor to have the love we each need. And we have a lot of work to do…Ukraine-Russia War, Israel-Hamas War, daily polarized, hatred circus of the unfolding 2024 Presidential Election, voter suppression, corruption, violence, and deconstruction of a federal court system scream of a least common denominator of suffering from an overwhelming dose of “separation distress.” Quite simply, we have lost sight of the fact that the need for love is in the human genes and is not about bargains, reasoning, profit and loss, and hate slinging at fellow human beings. It is sane, conscious, emotional responses and mutually satisfying experiences in partnerships when the dance, the music, and dancers become one.