Love is a language we all speak, and because of love, we have hope! And it is no secret that we humans have evolved, yet have growing up to do. Position power, money and unhealthy ego certainly do not offer nourishment for common good, compassion, virtue, helping others and caring about others. The war in […]


Love is a language we all speak, and because of love, we have hope! And it is no secret that we humans have evolved, yet have growing up to do. Position power, money and unhealthy ego certainly do not offer nourishment for common good, compassion, virtue, helping others and caring about others. The war in […]


The war in Ukraine is simply unnecessary death and suffering caused by lack of wisdom and a thirst for front page publicity and storybook fame. President Vladimir Putin’s decision borders insanity and ridiculous. Thich Nhat Hanh[1], a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, who recently passed away (1926-2022), offers guidance and counsel: In the case of a society, […]


The war in Ukraine is simply unnecessary death and suffering caused by lack of wisdom and a thirst for front page publicity and storybook fame. President Vladimir Putin’s decision borders insanity and ridiculous. Thich Nhat Hanh[1], a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, who recently passed away (1926-2022), offers guidance and counsel: In the case of a society, […]